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<br />M~R-18-20a3 07:59 PM <br /> <br />G.P.AND.SON.REMODELING <br /> <br />651 762 0584 <br /> <br />P.02 <br /> <br />G.P, & SON REMODELING CO. <br />lIeen.. 1/;0001088 <br />12360 Goodview Avenue North <br />WHITE BEAR LAKE, MN 55110 <br /> <br />PROPOSAL <br /> <br />Pagt:No._of <br /> <br />'I <br /> <br />(651) 426.1252 <br />City ofContervi1le <br /> <br />rOIl NM,tR/NO. <br /> <br /> <br />!lJlCA'I'ION <br /> <br />To: ... <br /> <br />.,'... .".,,,....~..,''',,.,',.~_....,'.,,'..., "." "._.M........'."~"~.~.,.,,..\"'".., <br /> <br />..." "',..'''~_''''M'''...,,''''I''.~.~...,,.. .to''''."", <br /> <br />1880 Main St, <br /> <br />.........",.'.,...".,,,.,,.......,,.,,,,...........,,,,,-."......."",.., <br /> <br />I'tIONIC <br /> <br />6S1.429.47~ <br /> <br />DJrrt\ <br />Maroh 18 2003 <br /> <br />CenteMlle MN 5S038 <br /> <br />... ".,..".......".......,,/. "....H....,.."...',...,...""".,M..'........H.. <br /> <br />We herehy 9Llbl\lH l'lp.clfl9lI!ltln!l and ~lltll)1;lt~ fon <br />Worx. to De dOne IJ1 oouncil chambers. <br /> <br />,....~,' .. "".....,,"~, ...",,',..,,'''''''.....~...''M' ..........H.".....".. ,.. <br /> <br />I:, <br /> <br />Install 4rnill poly 8ge.1n8t. block. <br /> <br />Frame up 5teel.tud. W'Il1 next to two blook walls. Stud, to be 24" on center. <br /> <br />Move out exi&1ins e1ec:trieal, fire aJmn and camera bracket. <br /> <br />Insulate walls with Po-l3 and. poly vapor harriet. <br /> <br />Install ~8". drywall and do taping. <br /> <br />PlIint walls 300ats. OWner to supply oontractor with paint number, <br /> <br />R.einstall carpet bue. <br /> <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />\.. ................... <br /> <br />[.,. <br /> <br />I........ ................................ ..................................................... ................................. ........".......... .........................,.....",..",... <br /> <br /> <br />l - ..... .. - .. ...... <br /> <br /> <br />WE PROP.QSE hl:.fCby to fJJrrlllSb mater!;ll and labor - complete in a('('ol'daace wIth theae ap<<'ifiCilt(ons. for th'3 sum (IE <br />TI1Nlit tt'iOUMnCl one hu:ndte4 S~ty SIX donais, <br />dollars i8 <br /> <br />$3,176.00 <br /> <br />l, <br /> <br />r''Y(\bl~ a~ fj;>ll'l~8: .' '0'. .-..- ~. <br />).JUU.OO at timB of starting with balance due upon substantia.! completion. <br /> <br />^lllw,t"rl;.~II~ ~llllrllntt!~~) IlJ1x..EtIi'p~.(.\1l~<'f,j. Allwnl"k in 'b..a)r'llpl.ctre-ci I!' n WlIrKI7'loIt.nUilf lr'I8Jlt1t:r ~ -z:rr~-' <br />'....m'" " ..",,,, ~<<"~ M, ""..",." ""'"00'" ,~. _.~"OO. ,,~,... ~f:"~'- . l)k:t - - ).. <br />t..'.r.l('~. ( will })~ e"'f,('.u'trJ nnly UiJl.)U wrHL~'ll (11'acr~ ~nd wlU b~t:mll(, a.o Ci~tn" ("h,u~ anr t:t <br />~'(,C\ ,...h~vf': thtr: t',~\.~miJ.1.W:. AU',,, 1'n1i~~T'Ig~nt \1pon ~1nk('\J!I. ~t,\~m-~,.,nl. I"lT tiil\atit ~l"Jd ~....-:"'\ <br />I ,)llT 1:mll.wl. Ow.)'lr t\.'l ('~n71 flrc-. t~T'I'lldCl. uLhitr rlC('('wary lnr;IJr:lnt!to\, Our wo,'kcra l\re fnlly NOTE I ThlF,o: pl'.",pr,aaJ may be Winjldt'ilW 'u ~:ir. <br />""""...<1 by W.rkll'\(1l~ C~ml'~""UIl" !..aLliance. Dy U6 If nO!. IIccept~d wttl1.i1 - <.1<\)1... <br /> <br />\ ~ <br />( ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL - Tile prices, specification!:! ~nd (:(mdJt1on~ !l.rc "l'lt.!$fao::toI'Y and arc hCT"I'IlY ol.(,cepted, YOIll\l'''' authorIzed to do <br />the work a5 "pe(:ifled. Payment wlll be made as outllnecl flbc~. <br /> <br />< <br /> <br />1j1illar.(II'r ... <br /> <br />f)1!.tC\...... <br /> <br />Signature <br /> <br />_.._o__ Datl! __,,-_ <br />