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City of Centerville <br /> Project SP-07-03738 <br /> November 29,2007 <br /> Page 11 <br /> DA.c. Design Sections--Pavement Lifespan <br /> The City Standard for residential roadways within City of Centerville is 3 1/2 inches bituminous(1 112 <br /> inches wear course over 2 inches of base course)and 8 inches of aggregate base over 20 inches Select <br /> Granular Borrow(subbase layer) Assuming that pavement subgrades will ultimately consist of <br /> compacted materials exhibiting an R-value of at least 12,and the traffic loads indicated in Section C.1,it <br /> is our opinion that the pavement section required by the City of Centerville will be adequate for a 20-year <br /> lifespan. <br /> DA.d. Materials and Compaction <br /> We recommend specifying crushed aggregate base meeting the requirements of Minnesota Department of <br /> Transportation(Mn/DOT)Specification 3138 for Class 5. <br /> We recommend that the bituminous wear and base courses meet the requirements of Specifications 2360, <br /> Type LV. For areas that will experience traffic loads anticipated to be more then 1,000,000 LSALs over <br /> a 20-year life span,we recommend that the wear and base courses meet the requirement for Type MV. <br /> We recommend the aggregate gradations for the base course asphalt meet Gradation Number 3.We <br /> recommend the aggregate gradations for the wear course asphalt meet Gradation Number 3 or 4. Since <br /> Gradation 4 has a smaller maximum particle size than Gradation 3,it is typically preferred for use in <br /> wear courses for aesthetic and textural considerations. <br /> We recommend using one of the following three Performance Graded Asphalt cements: PG 64-28,PG <br /> 58-28 or PG 64-22. PG 64-28 is most commonly recommended for use in the Twin Cities Metro area, <br /> and of the three is least susceptible to rutting during warm periods(summer)and shrinkage cracking <br /> during cold periods(winter). PG 64-22 is most commonly recommended for use in the southern portion <br /> of the state,and PG 58-28 is most commonly recommended for use in the northern portion of the state <br /> Although PG 64-22 and PG 58-28 are generally less expensive than the preferred PG 64-28,it should be <br /> noted that their use can lead to increased maintenance costs(crack sealing). <br /> We recommend that the aggregate base be compacted to a minimum of 100 percent of the standard <br /> Proctor maximum dry density. We recommend that the asphaltic concrete pavement be compacted to an <br /> minimum density of 92 percent of the maximum theoretical density. <br /> DA.e. Subgrade Drainage <br /> The 4-inch perforated PVC pipes should be wrapped with a filter fabric to reduce the potential of the <br /> fine-grained soils migrating into the pipe and clogging the holes. The drain tile piping should terminate <br /> at the storm sewer catch basins or manholes. Where possible,the pavement subgrade should slope <br /> towards the drainage pipe to promote water movement to the drain tile. <br />