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funding. Tne opportunities are guided by the strategies in the TPP and the various elements of <br />the Transit Investment Plan. <br />The TPP includes an updated transitway system plan that more cleady articulates which projects <br />can be funded within reasonable revenue expectailons through year 2040 (Current Revenue <br />Scenario as shown in TPP Figure 6-8, which is also attached). The plan includes five new or <br />expanded METRO lines, three new arterial bus rapid transit lines, and three corridors under study <br />for mode and alignment but identified in the Counties Transit improvement Board's (CTIB) Phase I <br />Program of Prpts. This system was developed in collaboration with CTIB, a major partner in <br />regional transbmy expansion. <br />The TPP does not include operating funding for transit service expansion beyond the existing <br />network of regular route bus, general public dial -a -ride, and Metro Vanpool. <br />The Increased Revenue Soenado (shown TPP Figure B-g, which is also attached) illustrates the <br />level of expansion for the bus and support system and transitway system that might be reasonable <br />if additional revenues were made available to accelerate construction of the transitway vision for the <br />region. <br />The plan includes updated requirements and considerations for land use planning around the <br />region's transit system. This includes new residential density standards for areas rear major <br />regional transit investments and an increased emphasis on proactive land use planning in <br />coordination with the planning of the transit system. <br />Aviation System - Chapter 9 <br />The Metropolitan Aviation System is comprised of nine airports (shown in Figure 1-9 of the TPP and <br />also attached to this system statement) and off -airport navigational aids. There are no new airports or <br />navigational aids that have been added to the system in the 2040 TPP. <br />The TPP discusses the regional airport classification system as well as providing an overview of <br />roles and responsibilities in aviation for our regional and national partners. The investment plan in <br />includes an overview of funding sources for projects, and an overview of projects proposed for the <br />local airports that will maintain and enhance the regional airport system. <br />Modifications were made to Appendix 1- Regional Airspace, Appendix J - Metropolitan Airports <br />Commission Capital investment Review Process, Appendix K - Airport Long Term Comprehensive <br />Plans and Appendix L - Aviation Land Use Compef lbillty. <br />Other Plan Changes <br />Regional Bicycle Traneportation Network - Chapter 7 <br />The 2040 TPP encourages the use of bicycles as a mode of transportation. To that end, the TPP <br />establishes for the first time a Regional Bicycle Transportation Network (RBTN). The goal of the RBTN <br />is to establish an integrated seamless network of on -street bikeways and oft -road trails that <br />complement each other to most effectively improve conditions for bicycle transportation at the regional <br />level. Cities, counties, and parks agencies are encouraged to plan for and implement future bikeways <br />within and along these designated corridors and alignments to support the RBTN vision. <br />Page - 8 1 2015 SYSTEM STATEMENT -- CENTERVILL.E TRANSPORTATION <br />