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Increased Revenue Scenario Transitways <br />The TPP Increased Revenue Scenario shows additional transitway corridors beyond the scope of the <br />plan's adapted and fiscally constrained Transit Investment Plan (the Current revenue Scenario). These <br />corridors are listed on page 6.63 of the TPP, and TPP Figure 6-9, which is attached, shows the <br />complete transitway vision for the region. <br />If Centerville believes it might be directly impacted by transitways in the Increased Revenue Scenario <br />(for example, because they are participating in transitway corridor studies or feasibility analyses), the <br />transitways may be acknowledged in the Comprehensive Plan. These additional corridors are or will be <br />under study for mode and alignment recommendations, but they are not included in fiscally constrained <br />plan. However, they should be dearly identified as not funded within the currently expected resources <br />for transitways. The Council recognizes the important planning work that goes into a corridor prior to it <br />becoming part of the region's Trensk Investment Plan, especially if increased revenues were to become <br />available. <br />Similar to Current Revenue Scenario Transitways, communities should identify known potential stations <br />along planned transitways and consider guiding land use policies, station area plans, and associated <br />zoning, infrastructure, and implementation tools that support future growth around transit stations. <br />These policies can also influence station sing in initial planning phases of transitway corridors and <br />influence the competitiveness of a trens!Nmy for funding. communities can find further guidance for <br />station area planning in the Transportation section of the Local ffLnnmg bLan0book and the Transit <br />Oriented Development Guide. <br />Aviation <br />All communities must include an aviation element in the transportation sections of their comprehensive <br />plans. The degree of aviation planning and development considerations that need to be included in the <br />comprehensive plan varies by community. Even those communities not impacted directly by an airport <br />have a responsibility to include airspace protection in their comprehensive plan. The protection element <br />should include potential hazards to air navigation including electronic interference. <br />Centerville is not in an influence area of a regional airport. Airspace protection should be included in <br />focal codestordinances to control height of structures. <br />Other Plan Considerations <br />Regional Bicycle Transportation Network <br />TPP Figure 7-1 shows the RBTN as established for the first time in the 2040 TPP. The network consists <br />of a series of prioritized Tier 1 and Tier 2 corridors and dedicated alignments (routes). The process <br />used to develop the RBTN, as well as the general principles and analysis factors used in Ke <br />development, can be found in the Bicycle and Pedestrian Chapter of the TPP. <br />The RBTN corridors and alignments make up the trunk arterials" of the overall system of bikeways that <br />connect to regional employment and activity centers. These are not intended to be the only bicycle <br />facilities in the region, and local units should also consider planning for any additional bike facilities <br />desired by their communities. RBTN corridors are shown where more specific alignments within those <br />corridors have not yet been designated, so local governments are encouraged to use their <br />comprehensive planning process to identify suitable alignments within the RBTN corridors for future <br />incorporation into the TPP. <br />In addition, agencies should plan their local on and off -road bikeway networks to connect to the <br />designated Tier t and Tier 2 alignments, as well as any new network alignments within RBTN corridors <br />Page - 10 1 2015 SYSTEM STATEMENT -- CENTERVILLE I TRANSPORTATION <br />