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2016-03-08 P & Z Packet
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2016-03-08 P & Z Packet
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WVIKATER RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS/ <br />1AVASTE1Aw(ATEI� SYSTEM S <br />TATEMENT <br />City of Centerville <br />The 2040 Water Resources Policy Iran includes policies and strategies to achieve the following goal: <br />To protect, conserve, and utilize the regions groundwater and surface wafer in wags that protect <br />public health, support economical growth and development, maintain habitat and ecosystem health, <br />and provide for recreational opportundies, which are essential to our reglon's quality of /We. <br />The Policy Plan takes an integrated approach to water supply, water quality, and wastewater issues. <br />This approach moves beyond managing wastewater and stormwater only to meet regulatory <br />requirements by viewing wastewater and stormwater as resources, with the goal of protecting the <br />quantity and quality of water our region needs now and for future generations. <br />The Policy Plan includes policies and strategies to: <br />6 Maximize regional benefits from regional investments in the areas of wastewater, water supply <br />and surface water. <br />a Pursue reuse of wastewater and stormwater to offset demands on groundwater supplies. <br />0 Promote greater collaboration, financial support, and technical support in working with partners <br />to address wastewater, water quality, water quantity and water supply issues. <br />A Implement environmental stewardship in operating the regional wastewater system by reusing <br />wastewater, reducing energy use and air pollutant emissions, and reducing, reusing, and <br />recycling solid waste. <br />Key Concepts in the 2040 Water Resources Policy Plan <br />Adopted by the Metropolitan Council in May 2015, the 2040 Water Resources Policy Plan is the <br />metropolitan system plan for metropolitan wastewater services with which focal comprehensive plans <br />must conform. The Policy Plan incorporates the following changes: <br />Centers on and around an integrated approach to water supply, wastewater, and surface water <br />planning. <br />Promotes the investigation of the issues and challenges in furthering our work in water conservation, <br />wastewater and stormwater reuse, and low impact development practices in order to promote a <br />more sustainable region. <br />Promotes the concept of sustainable water resources where, through collaboration and cooperation, <br />the region will take steps to manage its water resources in a sustainable way almed at: <br />o Providing an adequate water supply for the region <br />o Promoting and implementing best management practices that protect the quality and quantity of <br />our resources <br />o Providing efficient and cost effective wastewater services to the region <br />o Efficiently addressing nonpoint and point sources pollution issues and solutions, and, <br />o Assessing and monitoring lakes, rivers, and streams so that we can adequately manage, protect, <br />and restore our valued resources. <br />Continues the Council's position that communities that permit the construction and operation of <br />subsurface sewage treatment systems and other private wastewater treatment systems are <br />Page - 21 12015 SYSTEM STATEMENT - CENTERIIILLE WATER RESOURCES <br />
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