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responsible for ensuring that these systems are installed, maintained, managed and regulated <br />consistent with Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080-7083. <br />Includes requirements in Appendix C for comprehensive sewer plans, local water plans, and local <br />water supply plans. <br />Establishes inflow and infiltration goals for all communities served by the regional wastewater <br />sydern and requires all communities to include their inflow and infiltration mi igation programs in <br />their comprehensive sewer plan. <br />Works with the State to attempt to (1) make funds available for Inflow and infiltration mitigation, and <br />(2) promote statutes, rules, and regulations to encourage 111 mitigabon. <br />Centerville should consult the complete Policy Plan in preparing its local comprehensive plan. In <br />addition, Centerville should consult Thrive MSP 2040 and the Local Planning Handbook for specific <br />information needed in its comprehensive plan. <br />System Plan considerations Affecting Your Community <br />Metropolitan Sewer Service <br />Under state law (Minn. Stat. 473.513) local governments are required to submit both a wastewater plan <br />element to their comprehensive plan as well as a comprehensive sewer plan describing service raeds <br />from the Council. Speck requirements for the sewer element of your comprehensive plan Can be <br />found in the water Resources section of the Local Planning Handbook. <br />Forecasts <br />The forecasts of population, households, employment and wastewmter flows for Centerville as <br />contained in the adopted 2040 Water Resources Policy Plan can be found <br />at: • Irvvw.mef roil a e r- rP1 nnir� 0 fttgr-1 source -P -Piar a x <br />and on your Community Page in the ,focal Plar�rybrx Handbook. These forecasts are for severed <br />development. The sewered housing forecasts were estimated using SAC data, annual city reports, <br />Current trends, existing and future local wastewater service areas and other information relating to your <br />community. The wastewater flows are based on historical wastewater flow data, future projected <br />wastewater generation rates, and the projected sewered population and employment data. <br />The Council will use these growth and wastewater flow forecasts to plan future interceptor and <br />treatment works improvements needed to serve your community. The Council will not design future <br />interceptor improvements or treatment facilities to handle peak hourly flogs in excess of the allowable <br />rate for your community. Centerville, through its comprehensive planning process, must decide the <br />location and staging of development, and then plan and design its local wastewater collection system to <br />serve this development. The Council vW11 use its judgment as to where to assign growth within your <br />community to determine regional system capacity adequacy. If Centerville wishes to identify speck <br />areas within the community to concentrate its growth, it should do so within its Comprehensive Sewer <br />Plan. <br />You should also note that urban development at overall densities that are substantially lower than those <br />identified for your community in the Community Designation Sermon of this Systems Statement will also <br />be analyzed by the Council for their potential adverse effects on the cost of providing metropolitan <br />sewer service. <br />[description of the Metropolitan Disposal System Serving Your Community <br />Figure 1 shows the location of the Metropolitan Disposal System (MDS) serving your community. <br />Wastewater flow from Centerville is treated at the Metropolitan VVWTP <br />Page - 22 12015 SYSTEM STATEMENT - CENTERVILLE WATER RESOURCES <br />