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<br />h.., <br /> <br />." <br /> <br />,I <br /> <br />1VIemo1~ <br /> <br />&name In J ,. ArcIII&ectr <br />geese were not noted to be problems to the community. Geese waste is less of a problem than it used to <br />be as development continues and the geese are less frequent <br /> <br />Land application of sewage sludge has been performed In Centerville. Residents were upset about the <br />milky color that occurred In the ponds from the post rain event runoff from these areas. There are no <br />commercial or industrial pollution problems within the city. Commercial and Industrial properties have their <br />own holding ponds. The city noted that a source of pollutants In the past has been sanitary sewer breaks, <br />although these have been Isolated incidences. There is a large MCES sanitary sewer force main running <br />through the center of the city. <br /> <br />Some erosion problems exist along the banks of Clearwater Creek located north of Main Street The <br />watershed, through cost sharing with ~e city, performs bank stabilization to combat the erosion problems <br />along Clearwater Creek. Maintaining the use of silt fence around all new developing lots is another erosion <br />control concern noted by the city. The silt fence is often driven over by construction workers and delivery <br />trucks. The city does utilize the Rice Creek Watershed review process for new construction. <br /> <br />The city contracts out mowing services for city parks. Small amounts of clippings are left as mulch and <br />large amounts of clippings are collected. and composted off site. The city also contracts out fertilizer <br />application to a licensed private company. The company applies a phosphorous free liquid fertilizer to park <br />spaces three to four times a year. No herbicides are used on city properties. <br /> <br />There are some septic systems located on older lots within the city. As the city develops, these properties <br />are required to hook-up to city utilities. The county requirements have been adopted although no formal <br />agreement exists. A few houses have access to existing city utilities and upon failure of their existing well <br />or septic system are required to connect to these services. There has been one incidence of human waste <br />running into a creek, and a smoke test was perfonned In an attempt to determine the source. The source <br />Was not determined, however the problem has not reoccurred. <br /> <br />There are no problems with residential sump pumps draining into the storm sewer system. It was noted <br />that there are approximately 40 homes in Lino Lakes that connect their sump pumps into the Centerville <br />sanitary sewer system. <br /> <br />The city representatives. reviewed the complete list of other non-storm water discharges from Permit <br />Section V~G.3.e. and determined to the best of their knowledge that none were significant contributors of <br />pollutants to their MS4. <br /> <br />PRACTICES <br />MCM 1 - Public Education <br />The city sends out a quarterly newsletter to the public and publishes a' "week in review" column In the Quad <br />Press, a paper that features neW$ about Centervllle and three surrounding cities. There are brochures and <br />Informational sheets available at city hall for citizens regarding recycling, reducing trash, leaky faucets and <br />other Issues. The city also sends out informational stuffers in utility bills. There is also a reader board <br />outside of city hall where notices are placed regarding city clean-up days and requests for citizen <br />volunteers. Council meetings are televised on a local cable access channel. <br /> <br />MCM 2 - Public Particioatlon and Involvement , <br />,As noted earlier, the city has relationships with civic groups including a Lions Club, Girl Scouts and Boy <br />Scouts. These groups help with maintaining parks and ditches In the community, among other activities. <br />This is coordinated through staff at the city. The City of Centerville also coordinates with the Wargo Nature <br />Center on seminars and educational activities for the public. There is a monitoring station that records rain <br />events at the nature center. The city webslte has information for the public regarding upcoming events and <br /> <br />Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderllk and Associates, Inc. <br />2335 West Highway 36 + St. Paul. MN 55113 + Phone: 651-636-4800 + Fax: 651-636-1311 <br />