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<br />. <br /> <br />t <br />. <br /> <br />":"~'~"~m" ::a",'i(;"~;'h~'>'I:'j X(/'f"]'~'I; ~"': N' <br />:~1:': u~'~ "; ,~:::e~,: ,;.','~' :;,~[~~'- :",' ,,' _ "!0\: ,,' <br />",', ,~,' ~_ ';1, "", ,_J l~, ""J (" ~,,_, , <br />,~'~:,~\~~g i~'v':._,;' <~ ';:;-,~,~'<;"".'~j",f>_<,~",,:;:"; ,,";,);, ~."';;: '~/~ <br /> <br />. <br /> <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />o r m ,,0 t ton <br /> <br />-I <br /> <br />n <br /> <br />One in a series of Historic Preservation Information Booklets <br /> <br />A Guide to <br />Tax-Advantaged' <br />Rehabilitation <br />by Jayne R Boyle, Stuart Ginsberg <br />and Sall1 G. Oltlltam <br />reoisedby <br />DOftO'Qaft D. Rypkema <br /> <br />Rtween 1981 and 1986 more <br />private money was Plvested in <br />the rehabilitation of h~storic buildings <br />than had been spent for the same <br />purpose during all of the rest of <br />American history combined. This <br />investment was stimulated by federal <br />tax inqentives f11'St adopted in 1976.and <br />ex.panded in 1978 and 1981. <br /> <br />Those incentives saved thousands of <br />important historic buildings. What has <br />been realized retrospectively, however, <br />is that the federal historic rehabilita- <br />tion tax credit program was one of the <br />most potent urban revitalization .tools <br />ever created and certainly the mos,t <br />cost eff~ve. <br /> <br />'.' :...:."~:r;.~., <br /> <br />When A Guide to Tax-AtJo(lnttzged <br />ReholJilittztioft was first written, Con- <br />gress had just passed the Tax. Reform <br />Act of 1986. That act eliminated most <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />The Rookery, (I 19th- <br />C81Jtury office bttilding, <br />reopened in 1992 <br />follO'lllJing (I three-year <br />restoration. TIte <br />bttilding is located in <br />the C81Jter of Chicago ~ <br />fiMwl district. <br /> <br /> <br />l'.". <br /> <br />of the incentives that had been added <br />to the tax code over the years. Reha- <br />, bilitation credits were retained, <br />however, because Congress recognized <br />their important impact on communi- <br />ties of all sizes. Substantial changes <br />were made to the earlier ince~tive <br /> <br />program, however, including reducing <br />the amount of the credit, precluding . <br />highwincome taxpayers from' ~g <br />the credit, and adding a "passive loss" , <br />provision that severely limited the <br />amount of the credit available to a <br />taxpayer in any given year. <br /> <br /> <br />....~ <br />.." ...~-- <br />