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Teresa Bender <br />From: Statz, Mark <> <br />Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 201711:28 AM <br />To: Mike Ericson <br />Cc: Paul Palzer; Greg Burmeister; Simmons, Jonathan; Mcculloch, Ailsa; Teresa Bender <br />Subject: Local Water Plan Proposal <br />Attachments: Centerville Surface Water Management Plan Proposal April 2017 Final.pdf <br />Mike, <br />Attached is our proposal to assist Greg and Paul in completing your update to the Local Water Plan. The first <br />page of the attached is a cover letter which explains the need for the plan. The final pages of the attachment <br />are the checklist of items that the RCWD will be looking for as it reviews this document. The deadline for <br />submitting this plan for review is June of 2018. <br />if you find the proposal acceptable, please have it placed on the next available agenda for consideration by <br />the City Council. Thanks. <br />Mark R. Slaiz, PE <br />Associate <br />Stantec <br />2335 Highway 36 West„ St <br />Phone: (651) 604-4709 <br />Cell: (651) 775-5126 <br /> <br />Paul MN 55113-3819 <br />The content of this email is the confidential property of Stantec and should not be copied, modified, retransmitted, or used for any purpose except with <br />Stantec's written authorization. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete all copies and notify us immediately. <br />® Please consider the environment before printing this email. <br />This email has been scanned by the Symantec Email service. <br />For more information please visit <br />98 <br />