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April 26, 2017 <br />File: 193803811 <br />Attention: Mike Ericson <br />City Administrator <br />City of Centerville <br />188o Main Street <br />Centerville, MN 55038 <br />Reference: City of Centerville Local Water Plan <br />Dear Mike, <br />Thank you for the opportunity to serve the City of Centerville by completing an update to the <br />City's Local Water Plan (LWP). This letter presents Stantec's proposal for engineering services <br />based on the task list as detailed below. <br />The plan will focus on meeting the latest regulatory minimum requirements as required by the <br />state (MN Rules 8410), Metropolitan Council, and the Rice Creek Watershed District. We look <br />forward to working with the City to update the previous LWP from 2012. <br />LOCAL WATER PLAN TASKS <br />1. PROJECT INITIATION/MANAGEMENT <br />a. Hold a kickoff meeting with City staff to discuss the City's needs, refine study goals and <br />expectations, and confirm the work plan for the project. <br />b. Develop a schedule of progress meetings. We have budgeted for only the kickoff <br />meetings. If progress meetings are desired, they can be done at an additional cost to <br />the project. <br />2. DATA COLLECTION <br />a. At the kickoff meeting, discuss data needed for the study. This information could <br />include (electronic files preferred): <br />i. System mapping, topography, and aerial photography <br />ii. Physical system data (storm sewer base mapping, including pipe sizes and <br />invert elevations; pond grading plans; emergency overflow locations and <br />elevations; water quality data) <br />iii. Impaired waters listings and TMDL information <br />iv. MS4 program information <br />v. Land use <br />vi. Capital improvement plan <br />vii. Street reconstruction program <br />viii. Water resource related agreements <br />Design with commuNty its mind <br />87 <br />