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Will food and/or non-alcoholic beverages be served? Yes No X <br />If yes, describe sanitation measures, food handling procedures and the nature of the food (such as <br />pre-packaged foods, hot dogs, pre -mixed soda, unpeeled fruit, raw meats, vegetables, fish or <br />peeled and cut fruit.) No food service to the public. Individuals or members may bring or <br />purchase food for themselves. <br />If Yes, you will need a permit from the Anoka County Department of Environmental <br />Health. Please attach a copy of the permit to this anulication. <br />9. SECURITY AND SAFETY PROCEDURES: <br />Describe your proposed procedures for set up, operation, internal security and crowd control: <br />No crowds expected. Individuals are welcome to see and even participate in our event but <br />typically we have between 5-15 visitors to the site outside of regular club members. Typical <br />attendance over the whole weekend may be up to 60 people but never more than 20 at once. <br />If the event is to occur at night, describe how you are going to light the event area in order to <br />increase the safety of participants and spectators coming to and leaving the event: All radio <br />stations will be in RVs outdoor lighting capability. <br />If your event includes vehicles or animals, describe the minimum and maximum speeds of the <br />event and the minimum and maximum intervals of space to be maintained between units: <br />We will be parking RVs in the parking lot. No movement is planned for the duration of the event <br />Visitors and members would also use the parking lot and normal park ammenities <br />Attach to this application a copy of your building permit(s) if you are installing any electrical <br />wiring on temporary or permanent basis and/or if you are building any temporary or permanent <br />structures such as bleachers, scaffolding, a grandstand, stages or platforms. <br />Attach a copy of your fire department permit(s) to this application if you will use parade floats; <br />an open flame; fireworks or pyrotechnics; vehicle fuel; cooking facilities; enclosures (and tables <br />within those closures); tents, air supported structures, canopies, or fabric shelters. <br />Give the name, address and phone numbers of the agency or agencies which will provide first aid <br />staff and equipment if required. Attach additional sheets if necessary. <br />Name of agency: No specific medical support needed <br />Name of Representative: <br />Address: <br />Day phone: Evening phone: <br />Indicate medical services (if required) that will be provided for this event: <br />Page 4 of 10 <br />18 <br />