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The City's Economic Development Authority had been dormant for several years due to <br />the past economic downturn. City Council Members had previously served as the Board of <br />Commissioners for the EDA. However, the Council desired to invigorate growth and retain <br />current businesses by utilizing the tools and powers of EDA's. The Council also sought to give <br />residents and business owners an opportunity to provide new ideas and input about the economic <br />future of the city. The Council adopted an EDA structure consisting of three (3) community <br />members and two (2) members of the City Council serving as the Board. Mr. Roberts researched <br />applicable State Statues, City Code and worked with an outside consultant to draft a notice of <br />public hearing. Subsequent to the public hearing, the City Council adopted the new structure. <br />The City Council identified increasing the use of technology while reducing costs as one <br />of their City Focus Goals for 2017. Several neighboring communities had already integrated <br />tablet computers into their respective City Councils. Mr. Roberts reached out to these <br />communities and researched cost associated with implementing a similar program in Centerville. <br />After which, Mr. Roberts complied a report and presented that information to the City Council. <br />Council not only supported the purchase of tablets for Council but expanded on the idea and <br />purchased additional tablets for the Planning and Zoning Commission and Parks and Recreation <br />Committee. The set up and implementation of tablets for the City Council is now complete and <br />the other groups will be implementing the tablets shortly. <br />Another major project that Mr. Roberts worked on was the Dupre family historical <br />collection. The Dupre family was one of the original families which settled the Centerville area. <br />Over the generations, members of the family had built up a large collection of artifacts, antiques <br />and archelogy pieces from the Centerville area. The City was awarded a grant from the <br />Minnesota Historical Society to hire a professional historical archivist to catalog the artifacts. For <br />25 <br />