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City of Centerville <br />Council Meeting Minutes <br />Januarys 11, 2017 <br />Administrator Ericson stated that the P & Z Commission received an application for a Conditional <br />Use Pennit for 5867 -- 20'h Avenue South from Ready Landscaping to operate a landscaping business <br />within the Industrial Zone. He stated that the building has been vacant for quite some time and the <br />Commission drafted the Findings of Fact with two (2) corrections which extend from 6 months to 12 <br />months and no storage tams. He also stated that Mr. Ready had met with Staff and agreed with the <br />permitting requirements. <br />Mr. Ready explained that they desired to relocate their current landscaping business to Centerville <br />with a CUP to continue offering landscaping and snowplowing services with outside storage of <br />trucks, trailers, equipment and some materials such as palletized block, mulch, rock and black dirt <br />(approxftnately 10 to 20 yards) of each material. Mr. Ready reviewed with Council his concept plan <br />for making the appearance of the building more pleasing, connecting to City sewer and water, <br />providing screening and fencing similar to other landscaping businesses in town. Mr. Ready <br />explained that they are a smaller firm and general operating hours would be 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. <br />with some full time and seasonal employees of 10 to 11. <br />Council Member Love questioned whether there would be retail sales and Mr. Ready stated not at this <br />time, but with a potential in the future. <br />Administrator Ericson stated that a Phase II Environmental Audit was completed with no negative <br />outcomes. <br />Council Member King questioned whether structural modifications would need to be completed and <br />Mr. Ready stated none but bringing the existing building up to code such as fire suppression and <br />ADA accessibility. <br />Motion by Council Member Love seconded by Council Member Kinta to approved the <br />Plann* in & ZonFindin s of Fact and Conditional Use Permit as presented. All in favor. <br />Motion carried. <br />Z. Res. #17-002 -- 2017 Fee Schedule <br />Administrator Ericson stated that the fee schedule has slight modifications and excludes increases to <br />sewer, storm sewer and water fees as Council will be discussing these at a scheduled work session. <br />Engineer Statz stated that no information had been received from the Met. Council to date regarding <br />their increased fees but he and staff have discussed this issue. He stated that he would be providing <br />Council with a presentation at their next meeting. <br />Council Member Montain questioned the fees for labor and equipment and asked when these fees are <br />imposed. Administrator Ericson stated that when a developer fails to provide services such as grass <br />mowing, snowplowing, etc. of undeveloped lots within a development the fees would be imposed and <br />if they neglected to pay the fees they would be certified to the benefiting property's taxes. <br />Council Member Love questioned whether fees had been modified and the Administrator stated no. <br />Page 4 of 7 <br />