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�I�gNG <br /> p � <br /> ....."",W <br /> fA <br /> � <br /> um � t,' <br /> �., :1� 90 Min ' pII@'9 'f"i a.Vmum1fee u "r'°1'b0,38 <br /> � y <br /> 651-429,3232 arffiik�651-429,W9 <br /> IIIIIIIIIIIIIOOu <br /> •,/,.i- .uIIIIVi�011111111111VIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUmllllllllllllllllll <br /> ,.�.. uu uuuuuumuu uuuuuuuuuuuuumouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu <br /> �1 <br /> IIIIIIIIIIIO IIU II <br /> /a.i i u i Imumlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll <br /> ,`..,, � ,;.. �l. wmuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummomwu�mum�uuuumouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummuuuuupuuumuumomwu�mimuuuuuumip�uuuuuuuu�uuuuuuuuuuumuuuuuuuuuowummuum�mmwu�muuuuuuuuuuu�muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumuumummuuuu�m <br /> 1 <br /> October 3,2017 <br /> Memo to Planning d 7,oning ODmnfission <br /> Re: Peltier.Estdes <br /> REZONING: . . QST. '11m rezoning requests µ -11 ;1 - . . h <br /> Qmiprehewive d t1m1 1 to low density development "...i <br /> propms ,1 d .,. m1 is less than 2 unitg pax acre.That is wdl within the defined dcmty-fo <br /> R-2,w m may wish to make X11 the actions aiiii.1 1 , 1 contingent U.F.XMlq, f" <br /> the othes. being. approved-A :gym . 1i . for approval is aftached. <br /> If you deterrmne that than request should not be acceptablel rexoff unend t, � .�you tab,1 <br /> the 10 allow findingse for denial. <br /> SUBDIVISION. " o W is a subdivisiori to allowis ofd h <br /> townhomes. "Ibesubdivisioxi h , many positive, featmes,1 11 d. °have issue <br /> Setbacks frora fromthe.right of wad line are Jess than usual for an R-2 Za:a c. R-2 would <br /> typiedily expect 35 floot sM. the property 1" (right of way). 1'mm the prW,sed <br /> development, mm1 and rear selbacks , 1. for most lots d a bit more for a 1 <br /> lots.., Side sd,backs are 5 feet,rather than 1 : ' . Wbile 10 fe d. fmm. <br /> the lot Unna, m1ditional commona id total of about 20 fo,A from, to wedand. <br /> Adequate distance fhnn.the dwelling to t'1m edd i s a mnce=4since the wedands-will <br /> dry out and presmt a,fie danger. <br /> As a townhome development,you might xpect to see lesser sed ,but ,,t <br /> hese <br /> minimal. u do have , ability t 11. r at tb , 1 1 unit <br /> development. v1;1m X1.1, , t. a , :1. °1m1.11 m . , ,mm der <br /> t fro t (.,V 1e,d ffmty. Because1i.0s is a rMstanding development <br /> sett „off „m1, ,'1am,m �a m:.m m m1cu .. :1confincd <br /> " <br /> 1:11 .1 the shvd be public. At the last.P&Z rawtin&the city asked the <br /> developer to rem1binit his planwith a street that meeLs the City's normal design <br /> That .mawmald be for a 33 foot Ekwn backbackS Of CUFb,Tathex than 30 feetas in the pmp. sal. <br /> was also tx)show l impact 1m -thathad on the setbacks ..the-various lots <br /> that dmwmg today. it apptars ftt the nonud%bect design can-work without significantly <br /> affecting'building w <br /> .If the street 1.s public,then the pond should alsobe putflic,since,it would receive <br /> amnwaler frfAnm 11.1 :1? :e a '[he pond as currently desiped has insufficient acecss <br /> . ", n e., '11e building I.At '1 dl; be 11m�mm. amorder <br /> .d <br /> l <br /> good to the on :1.� t outlet ,....t form " <br /> Trail. The trail proposes aboardwalko the wedand.This is a trail desigm that the <br /> city domnot currently 1mmm " Since it a ... d 1 <br /> 3 <br />