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;tantec:Dunl Memo <br /> ....................... <br /> ............ <br /> 'To: Dallas Larson from, Mark Statz,PE <br /> Phil Carlson.AICP <br /> 18BO Main Street St. Paul MN Office <br /> Centerville, MN 55038 <br /> I("ale: Peltier Estates Date:: September 28,2017 <br /> .................... <br /> Reference, Ilhlltlr IISWes <br /> City of Centerville Planning and Engineering Staff have reviewed -the draft plains and other <br /> information submitted as part of an application for rezoning,subdivision and as Planned Unit <br /> Development JIPUD) foir a 19+acre site along 201h Avenue. The plains are dated Selptembeir '1.2.201'7 <br /> and are entitled Peltier Fstates. We offer the following pirellminary comments. <br /> 1. Planning &Zoning <br /> a. 'The land is currently zoined R-1 Rural Residential,which assumes nay n-sewered <br /> development.The piraect as proposed could inot be built underthis zonfing.'The <br /> original request frornthe applicant was for as rezoning -lo R-2A. While this would The <br /> acceptable as consistent withthe Comp Plan,it could olpen-the door'to higher <br /> density,Including apartments up-to 12 unitsfacre,which-the City imay inot want..A <br /> more appropriate approach-for this proJect would The to rezone to 12...2,-then review it <br /> as a Planned Unit Development (PI IID)Po which would -then allow the Crty and <br /> developer-to negotlate'the density,unit.type and other features and condiflons. <br /> Ib. Three requests are being considered-a rezoning, a PUID,and a preliminary plot. <br /> Although applied for-together,the requests should be acted on separately.We <br /> recommend as rezoning to IR 2,then considera-fion of-the IPUD, and the subdivision <br /> creating the lots,easements and streets after that.An amendirneint'to the <br /> Comprehensive Plain is not ineeded. <br /> c. 'Thu IPeltler Fstotes project is now proposed as 24 detached towinhouses-essentially <br /> small lot single family homes. On the roughty 18-acre site Ns yields a density of about <br /> 13 unit/care,very IIow density for s.Overeat development.Given the numerous <br /> we-Hands,maAmIzing development is difficult oin this site. Using-the land efficiently in <br /> lhis manner is as positive step. <br /> d. 'The approach of building homes mein smaller lots makes sense in this situ otloin.TIne,,, <br /> homes are about 40' as 56' on lots that are lypicalVy 50' x 80% or 4,000 sq ft. <br /> e. 1The layout proposes as 30-foot wide, private street and puts the homes as minimuim of <br /> 84' apart across the street,more in most Iplcaces. if a public street and 50-foot right-of­ <br /> way were inserted,-the homes would have a minlimurn froint setback of about 17' to <br /> the right-of-way lune,but more Wically 20" -to 25"in most plea ces.'This compares with <br /> required front setbacks of 35' [in the IR-2 district and 25' inthe R 2A district. 'These <br /> smaller setbacks can be allowed as(part of the P U ID. Private stireets are not <br /> uncommon in a PUD,and-the City can deciia e'If they want-to allow it or,not., <br /> rxnVin Wifti Ianm,irift:14%Frim <br /> fflAwIdIvs 11."M HIM r-AmIN27 11 741ocz <br /> 37 <br />