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6. Eradicate the grapevines that are killing the trees. Vines are killing more trees and bushes than <br /> bugs or campers. It's their weight and sun blocking that do it. Some vines have been growing <br /> for a longtime and have 6 inch diameter bases. <br /> a. Response: The County does not typically address grapevines as they are not considered <br /> an invasive species and are native to the state.While they may add to the decline of <br /> some trees,they are also a valuable food source for birds and other animals in the park. <br /> The only vine the County currently actively seeks out and destroys is Oriental <br /> Bittersweet,which is on the MN Department of Agriculture's'Eradication'list. <br /> 7. Address the buckthorn issue. <br /> a. Response: Buckthorn is a very large problem throughout the park system. <br /> Unfortunately,there is not enough time, materials or staff to address this completely, <br /> but in general,the County's focus is on eliminating new infestations so that area's not <br /> currently over-run with buckthorn can be managed and infested area's can be <br /> contained. As time and funding allows,the County does work to remove it in infested <br /> areas. <br /> 8. Add severe weather shelters. <br /> a. Response:The County currently utilizes the existing campground restroom for severe <br /> weather shelters and when necessary,the visitor center building. The County follows <br /> State requirements for severe weather shelters for campgrounds. <br /> Relating to Wargo Nature Center: <br /> 1. Improve Wargo's canoe/kayak entrance so it is more accessible and inviting. It's hard to get in <br /> and out of canoe/kayak's for able bodied people. <br /> a. Response: This master plan amendment proposes to add two accessible canoe/kayak <br /> launches within the park and the County will consider adding these at additional <br /> locations throughout the system. <br /> 2. Get a pontoon for programming classes out on the water—birding,fishing,seniors,etc. <br /> a. Response:The County is reviewing funding options and staffing levels to be able to <br /> provide this type of programming. <br /> 3. Wargo is understaffed on weekends <br /> a. Response: The County is reviewing options to fund additional staff on weekends. <br /> 4. Expand the boardwalks at Wargo <br /> a. Response: Expanding the boardwalks at Wargo Nature Center is included in this master <br /> plan amendment. <br /> Relating to trails: <br /> 1. Designated bike lanes or additional trails are needed along roads that connect to trails. At <br /> minimum, pave the shoulders so bikers can use them. <br /> a. Response: This item relates more to residential and county roads. This information was <br /> shared with the local cities and the County Highway Department, <br /> 2. Need more residential trail connections to parks. <br /> a. Response:This information was shared with the local cities. <br /> 3. More drinking water along trails <br /> a. Response: While the County understands the convenience of having drinking <br /> water/fountains available along the trails, it is not economically feasible. The County <br />