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a. Response: Horse trails are currently offered at Rum River Central and Bunker Hills <br /> Regional Parks and the County has looked into adding horse trail in this area on previous <br /> occasions and discovered there was not a high demand for this amenity. The Parks <br /> Department will study the issue again to determine demand in the region and will <br /> consider this in the future. <br /> 8. Improve trail interpretive signs <br /> a. Response: Improving interpretive signage throughout the park is included in this park <br /> master plan amendment. <br /> 9. Maintain trails better, it's difficult for roller blading in RCCOL and bumpy for biking. <br /> a. Response:Trails are assessed annually trails in need of repair and maintenance are <br /> prioritized and addressed as funding allows. <br /> 10. How will entrance road to the compost site change? <br /> a. Response: Included in the master plan amendment is an illustration and description of <br /> the proposed compost location change with the proposed entry and exit drives shown. <br /> 11. Will there be changes to the trail route with Hodgson road? If so what changes and when? <br /> a. Response: There are no plans to change the Rice Creek North Regional Trail route along <br /> Hodgson. The trail will remain where it currently exists. <br /> 12. Users need to pick up dog waste and keep dogs on leashes. <br /> a. Response: Per Anoka County Ordinance,dogs must be leashed and it shall be unlawful <br /> for any person to: Have custody or control of any dog or domestic pet in a park/trail <br /> without possessing an appropriate device for cleaning up pet feces and disposing of the <br /> feces in a sanitary manner. The County is currently researching different methods of <br /> enforcement of this ordinance. <br /> 13. Surprised there are not more dog parks <br /> a. Response: At this time,the County has no plans for additional dog parks. <br /> Relating to the campground: <br /> 1. There were numerous comments regarding the need for more camper cabins. <br /> a. Response: The County was originally proposing to add two additional camper cabins to <br /> the campground,but based on the numerous comments received from the public about <br /> the topic,the County is now proposing to add six new camper cabins. <br /> 2. My wife and I do a lot of walking in the campground in the off season. Last week(April)we <br /> walked all the loops and 50%of the fire rings were in standing water,a lot of sites had standing <br /> and sometimes flowing water in them. <br /> a. Response: The County will be addressing the drainage issues in on on-going manner to <br /> reduce the sites that are seasonally under water. <br /> 3. Take one loop a year and bring in fill to raise sites. <br /> a. Response: This may be one solution to the drainage issues. The County will consider <br /> this. <br /> 4. Blacktopping the loops would be nice. <br /> a. Response: While the County understands that paving the loops would be nice, it is not <br /> the standard practice for the County campgrounds. <br /> 5. Add a 20'x 20'shelter at the group campsite. <br /> a. Response: The County has reviewed this request, but does not feel that a shelter at this <br /> site would be an economical option for the group camp site. <br />