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The operational plan addresses timing and actions for the <br /> 'softcape' elements of the plan: staffing, marketing, and <br /> operations. <br /> Goal Strategies Action Required Timeline <br /> #i: Increase Signage/wayfinding at the Peltier Lake Design and install sign 2015 <br /> awareness boat launch that indicates the location <br /> of Wargo of the Nature Center on George Watch <br /> Nature Center Lake <br /> and county- <br /> wide outdoor Improve Wargo's digital presence on Develop an annual digital media plan with Annually <br /> recreation and the web with video,an Instagram feed, recreation,nature center,and marketing <br /> environmental smart phone apps,etc. department staff <br /> education Improve marketing Develop an annual strategic marketing Annually <br /> programs and plan for in coordination with Anoka County Quarter) <br /> • Work with the Anoka County y <br /> events <br /> Pu blic Information Office to Public Information Office.Meet quarterly to <br /> improve awareness of programs track progress. Month) <br /> and event Formally coordinate marketing activities y <br /> between the nature center and marketing <br /> staff. <br /> ..........................................................................._.............................................................----------------------............................................................................................... <br /> . <br /> • Expand cross and target Address as part of the annual marketing Annually <br /> marketing (home school strategic plan <br /> community,other nature centers, <br /> cities,partner organizations, <br /> YMCA,etc) <br /> ................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... -------------------------- <br /> Create <br /> -----------------Create an-on line video of Develop a series of short(less than 3 2015 <br /> Wargo activities to give potential minute)viedos highlighting specific <br /> visitors a sense of what the site a programs at Wargo-water sports&rentals, <br /> programs have to offer winter sports,summer drop in activities,and <br /> summer camps. <br /> .........."I ........................................................ ........................................................... ........... <br /> • Direct e-mail market to past Develop mechanisms to allow recreation On-going <br /> visitor and program participants and nature center staff greater control over <br /> direct email marketing to past program <br /> participants <br /> ........................................................ ...................................-.................."I... ............................................................ -- -- - ----................... <br /> • Conduct additional special events Develop and hold one additional annual Annually <br /> to increase awareness special event <br />