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Goal Strategies Action Required Timeline <br /> #2: Increase Establish the water trail between Develop and provide maps at Wargo,the 2016 <br /> connectivity to Wargo Nature Center and the Rice campground,and on-line <br /> Wargo Nature Creek Chain of Lakes Regional Park <br /> Center Expand canoe and kayak rentals to the <br /> Reserve campground campground <br /> #3: Improve the Obtain funding for capital projects Budget for phased physical improvements On-going <br /> entry experience Expand partnerships in the County's annual Capital Improvement <br /> and sense of Plan <br /> welcome, from <br /> CSAH 14 to the Identify partnerships for implementation <br /> building Apply for grants <br /> 2015-2020 <br /> #4: Increase Improve birding programs Install nest cams&stream on-line 2015-2020 <br /> programming with focused exhibits,habitat Repair bird blinds at Wargo Nature Center <br /> around Essential improvements,viewing areas, nest <br /> Experiences': cams,and special events tailored Create birding exhibit in Wargo <br /> Water Access, around seasonal bird activities Nature Center Lobby detailing birding <br /> Access to Four opportunities in Anoka County <br /> Ecotypes, <br /> Birding, and Tree Host one seasonal birding event <br /> .......................................................... . <br /> House (Outdoor Prepare a forest management plan to Prepare forest management plan <br /> Classrooms) address Emerald Ash Borer,thinning of <br /> existing pine plantings,management <br /> of the maple basswood and floodplain <br /> forests <br /> .......................................................... ................................................................. <br /> Develop programs around new During the design process for new spaces On-going <br /> program spaces as they are built identify potential programs,space/design <br /> (boardwalks,expanded docks,tree requirements,equipment,staff needs,and <br /> house,etc.) partnership opportunities <br /> #5: Improve the Expand access and/or hours of Expand building hours on weekends and 2015-2016 <br /> drop-in visitor operation evenings <br /> experience Expand staff hours to coincide with rental <br /> demands <br /> ..................................................... ................................................................. <br /> Create temporary,flexible outdoor Staff or develop volunteer program for On-going <br /> learning stations/demonstration temporary learning stations(touch and feel <br /> tables(staffed or stand-alone)on tables,water resources,geocaching)on <br /> select weekends weekends <br /> Wargo Nature Center Master Plan - March 2015 <br />