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<br />CITY OF CENTERVTJ.J .R <br />PERSONNEL POLICmS <br /> <br />Suc~essful public J:elations are ~ very ~portant element ~ every City Employee's jpb. It is <br />impo~t to be considerate, pleasant, pJ:ompt and brief in all d- lings with the citizens of <br />the City of Cente1:ville. The impJ:ession we make OVeJ: the phone OJ: in PeJ:Soo, whetheJ: good <br />or bad, will be the one that the citizen wiD. J:emembeJ:. It is the mission of the City of <br />Centetv.ille. to provide the highest quality service to Cente1:ville residents and taxpayers in the <br />most effective, efficient manneJ: possible. PJ:ope1: adheJ:ence by aU City Employees to these <br />policies will help attain that goal. <br /> <br />1. PURPOSE AND APPLICATION <br /> <br />1.1 Purpose <br /> <br />General: The pw.pese M this pelky is to estaBlish a lHIifarm. aft.d equitable system. <br />of pef86ft6.el B~",.jfli !ltmUea fur aD. Bmplayees of tI1C City M CentaYiH.e as well as aD. <br />o~ pelS6ftflcl Wfte work uader a aegetiated agreemeot with the City. Ifl the <br />eveot ef a eoaBiet betwem the terms M the flegetia~ agreCm.em Mid this petsofiftel <br />peliey, the ~. 0( the aegotiated iig2:eemea.t sIlaR take pteeedeaee' atid these <br />. Bmpleyees subjeet to the agreemeat shaJl he 80 regalatec1 Nothifig ift this peJiey <br />shaR be e6ftStmed as part M aft. 'emplayJBeftt ee~et betwem the City ef ~tuv:iDe <br />8fld its Bm.pleyees. The informAtion in these personnel policies serve only as a <br />get1en11 refeJ:ence to the City of Centetvill.e's cri.ttent policies and procedures. None <br />of these tUles And policies constitutes a ~ntra.ct between the employee ind the City. <br />These roleS and policies ate not a p1'9.t'ltee of continued OJ: futw:e employment OJ: <br />intended to AltM' the employment at wiD. tela.tionsh~ in any mAnner. . Rmployees <br />have the right. with appropriate notiCe; to tP.nninAte their employment at an,y time., <br />fOJ: any reason or no reason" and the City retains a Riml1A1' rigJ1t. subject to an,y <br />statutoJ;y OJ: constitutional restrictions placed upon it as a public emploYeJ:. IT at any <br />time there is a differenCe between a statement in these documentS and source <br />matP.11Al such as plan dor.nments, the source matM'iA 1 that is cw:rent at that time wiD. <br />take precedence. <br /> <br />. I <br /> <br />1.2 Scope <br /> <br />Application: This personnel policy applies to all City of Centetvill.e Employees, <br />except the following: <br /> <br />A) Elected officials; <br /> <br />__ .' ~ I.- <br /> <br />B) <br />C) <br /> <br />Consu1~ts J:endering professional $ervice; <br /> <br />. Members of City Boards, Commissions, and Committees (thiR Subsection <br />applies only to non-employee memhM'R of these City Boards, CommiRsions <br />and Committees); . <br /> <br />1 <br />