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<br />~and use the system. Continued impedance of other usetS through" mass <br />corisumption of System resomces, after .receipt of a request to cease such activity, is <br />prohibited. The willful or ca:i:eless introduction of programs knoWn as computet <br />vituSes,Trojan Horses and worms into the Citfs network or into any external <br />networks or compuiets can cause such exceSsive computet usage or even damage a <br />system and so would be a violation of this poliCy. <br /> <br />22.9 Data Retention <br /> <br />Records Retention Schedule: Genei:a.lly, electrOnic messages ate tem.po.taty <br />communication which are non-vital arid may be "discarded routinely in acco.tdance <br />with the City's record .retention policy. However, depending on the content of the <br />em.ail message, it may be considered a fottnal .record and should be .retained <br />"P~t to a department's record .retention schedules. Examples of messages of <br />this nature are: Policy, decision-m~ 1d11g. or other memoranda of specific public <br />bUsineSs. As such, these email m.ess~ are similar to pmted communication and . <br />should be written with the same fo11i1ality. " " <br /> <br />22.10 Questions Regarding Policy <br /> <br />General: City Employees who have concems or ate uncerl:ain about ethics.; legal or <br />" security issues regarding the" use of data commu.t1ications tools ate expected to <br />discuss their concerns With their supe.tvisor who will act as the Employee's first point <br />of contact <br /> <br />Integrity: Part of the .responsibilitY of the City Administrator is to insure the <br />integrity of City data (an asset). ~erefo.te, the City Administrator, in consu1ta.tion <br />with the City Attomey, will resolve and answer any questions about this Acceptable <br />Use Policy or its interpretation. Uritil such issues ate .resolved, questionable use <br />should be considered "not acceptable". Questions of interpretation should be <br />submitted, in writing, to the City Administrator. Final authority for this Acceptable <br />. Use Policy lies with the City Council. <br /> <br />22.11 " Policy Violations <br /> <br />General: The City Administrator will revieW all alleged violations of this City policy <br />on a case-by-case basis. The City Attomey may be consulted for technical assistance <br />in investigating a complaint. Cleat violations of the policy which ate not promptly <br />.remedied may result in the expulsion of the offending Employee from the City's <br />network serrices in addition to disciplliW:y action, and consis~t witIi the Personnel <br />Policy' or appropriate" batgaitiing unit agreement. <br /> <br />._~1...,:~.:-',",;., ::-.. .~~ <br /> <br />" 23. CELLULAR PHONE"USAGE POLICY <br /> <br />23.1 Application <br /> <br />44 <br />