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Centerville 2040 .. . .. .. :.. . . . <br /> • Utilize design guidelines for mixed-use areas to: <br /> o Minimize the impact of automobiles through strategies such a <br /> shared parking, in which adjacent land uses having different <br /> peak-hour parking demands can share parking facilities <br /> o Achieve "traffic calming" benefits through: an integrated street <br /> network, provision of options for traffic flow, the design of <br /> streets with adequate width, and the provision of on-street <br /> parking <br /> o Provide for public open space that uses storm water treatment <br /> ponds as a visual and recreational amenity to the project <br /> o Ensure the compatibility of buildings with respect to the specific <br /> character of their immediate context <br /> o Encourage active ground floor uses, such as restaurants, shops <br /> and services, to animate the street within mixed-use areas <br /> It is the goal of the City of Centerville to: <br /> • Expand the non-residential tax base. <br /> • Encourage clean and attractive industrial uses in the community. <br /> It is the policy of the City of Centerville to: <br /> • Focus on investments and development potential in the existing industrial <br /> park before establishing new industrial development areas. <br /> • Evaluate land availability and utility feasibility for long range expansion of <br /> the existing industrial park. <br /> • Evaluate TIF feasibility to expand transportation access and trunk utility <br /> networks to support existing and future industrial potential. <br /> • Establish uniform design standards to promote continuity between <br /> individual industrial uses and compatibility with non-industrial uses. <br /> • Maintain standards for landscaping and screening to ensure adequate <br /> aesthetic controls. <br /> • Maintain adequate standards for buildings and signage design, site access, <br /> parking, maneuvering, loading, and structure setbacks. <br /> • Enforce standards for structure upkeep and site maintenance to ensure <br /> long-term aesthetic controls. <br /> • Revisit all established standards as appropriate. <br /> Chapter 2 1 Page 5 <br />