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Background <br /> The City of Centerville (hereinafter referred to as the City) wishes to continue organized residential <br /> collection services within the City. Any qualified entity (hereinafter referred to as Contractor) who may <br /> wish to enter into a contractual agreement to provide comprehensive municipal solid waste collection <br /> services shall provide proof of qualifications to perform the services defined to include at a minimum: <br /> garbage, refuse, yard waste, and recyclable collection, transport, and disposal (processing) for all single, <br /> duplex, triplex, and other multi-unit dwellings, and townhomes within the City limits. Currently <br /> apartments and manufactured housing (mobile homes)parks are not included in the contract. <br /> The City of Centerville is an established community of approximately 4000 residents with an area of 1.5 <br /> square miles. Residential areas comprise approximately 80% of the City. Presently the City has a <br /> contract with a single waste hauler for the collection, transportation, and disposal of garbage, refuse, and <br /> recycling for all single family through four-unit dwellings. Service is currently provided to '1300+- <br /> households on a weekly basis. Over the next five years the City expects to add 15 households per year. <br /> The City Council wishes to obtain a high level of service for garbage, recycling, and yardwaste collection <br /> services. The information provided in Appendix A reflects contract language that will be the basis for the <br /> new agreement. <br /> The City's organized collection goals include the following: <br /> • Achieve a high level of citizen satisfaction. <br /> • Maximize efficiency in solid waste and recycling collection. <br /> • Maintain (at least)the same level of comprehensive residential collection service. <br /> • Maintain the current collection schedule. <br /> • Provide for reliable collection services at competitive and predictable costs. <br /> • Provide community education and outreach efforts to increase recycling and waste reduction rates and <br /> promote a healthy environment. <br /> The Quote Form (Appendix B) provided indicates the services currently being delivered under the <br /> existing contract. Feel free to elaborate on how you would propose to deliver the services if you deem <br /> that additional information would be helpful. Also feel free to detail additional services and costs if you <br /> believe they may be an option a City such,as Centerville would benefit from. <br /> ATTACHED APPENDICES: <br /> APPENDIX A: Contract Specifications <br /> APPENDIX B: Quote Forms <br /> APPENDIX C: Proof of Qualifications <br /> APPENDIX D:,,Reference Submission Form <br /> APPENDIX E:Tonnage History <br /> Requests for clarification: Requests for clarification of the specifications shall be submitted to the city <br /> not later than January 4, 2018. The questions together with the city's answers shall be submitted to all <br /> prospective respondents within five days. <br /> Proposal bond: Respondents to the RFP shall submit with their proposal, a cashiers check, letter of <br /> credit or cash deposit in the amount of$5000 payable to the City of Centerville, which shall be forfeited <br /> to the City, if they are selected by the City and do not execute a contract for the proposed services. <br /> Notwithstanding any other provisions of the RFP, this is not a formal competitive bidding process. The City <br /> reserves the right to reject any or all proposals,to waive any irregularity in a proposal, and to accept or reject any <br /> item or a comhination of items, when to do so would he to the advantage of the City or its taxpayers. It is further <br /> within the right of the City to reject proposals that do not contain all elements and information requested in this <br /> document. The City of Centerville shall not he liable for any losses incurred by any responders throughout this <br /> Centerville -Garbage RFP -Page 12 <br /> 22 <br />