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k.l.. <br /> February 21,2018 <br /> Mark Stafz <br /> Page 2 of 3 <br /> Reference: Proposal for Wellhead Protection Implementation <br /> Task 3: Public Education <br /> This task will implement Actions IA and IB of your existing Wellhead Protection Plan. The task will <br /> include the preparation of materials to be distributed to residents in the DWSMA, including articles, <br /> brochures, and website materials.This effort will include information on general wellhead <br /> protection management, along with hazardous waste materials, This effort will consist of the <br /> following: <br /> Prepare and compile materials for distribution (12 hours) $1,644 <br /> Task Total $1,644 <br /> The total cost for all three tasks to proposed to be $7,672. <br /> For the well survey and distribution of articles and brochures, it is assumed that Centerville staff will <br /> undertake the physical mailing and distribution.Therefore, it is recommended that an additional <br /> $2,300 be obtained through the grant program to cover the costs of printing, postage, <br /> publications, and associated expenses. This can be split to include $800 for the well survey mailing <br /> and $1,500 for the public education component. <br /> Schedule <br /> Stantec proposes the following time line to undertake the tasks. <br /> Task Proposed <br /> Completion <br /> Update PCSI Database Jul -Au ust 2018 <br /> Update Well Inventory for Survey Se tember 2018 <br /> Mail Surveys October 2018 <br /> Compile Survey Results November 2018 <br /> Compile Public Education Materials November 2018 <br /> Distribute and Publish Materials December 2018 <br /> Re ort Project Results to MDH for Grant Reimbursement February 2019 <br /> All grant activities must be concluded by June 30, 2019. <br /> 103 <br />