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<br /> <br />(Tomado Awareness amtJnued (rom page 8) <br /> <br />In A Frame Home <br />.carefully evaluate the situation before bringing in outdoor items. <br />eMake sure you have a portable radio for information. <br />eSeek shelter in the lowest level of your home (basement or storm cellar). If there <br />is no basement, go to an inner hallway, a smaller inner room, or a closet. Keep <br />away from all windows. <br />e Y ou can cushion yourself with a mattress, but do not use one to cover yourself. <br />Do cover your head and eyes with a blanket or jacket to protect against flying de- <br />bris and broken glass. Don't waste time moving mattresses around. <br />eKeep your pet on a leash or in a carrier. <br />eMultiple tornadoes can emerge from the same storm. <br />eOo not go out until officials say it is safe. <br />In A Mobile Home <br />eLeave your mobile home immediately and take shelter elsewhere. <br />Outside <br />e Try to get inside and seek out a small protected space with no windows. <br />eAvoid large-span roof areas such as school gymnasiums, arenas, or shopping malls. <br />elf you cannot get inside, crouch for protection beside a strong structure, or lie flat <br />in a ditch or low-lying area and cover your head and neck with your arms or a <br />piece of clothing. <br />In A Car <br />eldeally, you should avoid driving when tornadoes or other kinds of dangerous <br />weather threaten, as a vehicle is a very unsafe place to be. If, however, this is not <br />possible, stay as calm as possible, and assess the situation. <br />e Your best option might be to get out of the car and lie flat in a ditch or' other <br />. low-lying area that is of sufficient depth to provide protection from the wind. <br />.If you do so, beware of water runoff from heavy rain that could pose a hazard, get <br />as far away from the vehicle as possible, and shield your head from flying debris. <br />eOr, more optimally, if possible take shelter immediately in a nearby building. <br />eOo not leave a building to attempt to "escape" a tornado. <br />elf you are already in a sturdy building, do not get in a vehicle to try to outrun a <br />tornado. <br />After The Tomado <br />eFirst make sure that the tornado or tornadoes are truly gone. Stay tuned to The <br />Weather Channel or your local television or radio station to get the latest emer- <br />gency information. <br />How To Help Injured Others <br />eHelp injured or trapped persons by administering First Aid and immediately calling <br />911 if there are life threatening injuries. <br />Beware Of Hazards <br />eStay away from downed power lines. and be sure to report them to your utility <br />company. <br />eStay away from damaged buildings until inspectors have given you the green light. <br />elf result from the severe thunderstorms, watch for snakes and other animals <br />forced into your home from flood waters. <br />eEvacuate if you smell fumes or &3s and notify emergency personnel. <br />eTo prevent accidental fires. use flashlights. not candles. to see if power is on or off <br />after a tornado. (More people die from candle-related fires after a disaster strikes <br />then from the disaster itself.) <br />elf your home has been spared. keep children and pets inside. <br />-If pets must be walked outside. keep them on a leash. <br /> <br />Direct from <br /> <br />Sorel-Tracy, Quebec <br />This is the second part of the his- <br />tory of Sorel-Tracy from resident PO... <br />erre Messier. His native language is <br />French, however, his correspondence <br />was in English for our benefit. He ex- <br />tended his apology for any errors in <br />spelling, and grammar! <br /> <br />Hi Patrldo/ <br /> <br />F'm at all i yould like tell you thot the city <br />is not called Sorel anymore. Now we call it. <br />SoreI-Tracy since one year. We have <br />merged wirhTracy the nearby city one <br />year ago. I hope thot detoiI won't destroy <br />the (un or the matte of your worIc. <br /> <br />History <br />1642. Fort Saurel .. it. was only a armed <br />place agains Iroquois (native american <br />nation) Destroyed In 1647 rebuild in <br />1665. <br />1787. The city is renamed Wllliam-Henry <br />because of the engIish domination after <br />French have lost the war. <br />1889. We changed again the name for <br />~ de Sorel (city of SoreI). <br />1982. Cite de sorel become V'dle de Sorel <br />(town of SoreI). <br />2000. Sorel is now SoreI-Tracy <br /> <br />GeoJl'OPh, <br />The City is located in north america. coun- <br />try. Canada, province: Quebec, Region <br />Monteregie. sub-region 8as-RicheIieu. You <br />can ~nd it. 100 #em N-E. form Montreal <br />nearby st-Laurent and RicheIieu Rivers. <br />We are 36,000 soreIIois (people who live <br />in SoreI). I don't know who to caB a per- <br />son who lives in SoreI-Tracy. they don't <br />have find a name for it. yet... We are <br />nearly all caucasians and french is nearly <br />the only spoken language over here. But <br />some of us are able to speak other lan- <br />guages like me (bad english) and others <br />spanish. portuguese etc. To know Iit1le <br />more about my nation you can visit this <br />I very good site: hup:J/frenchcaculture. <br />I aboutcomlaboutcanada/frenchcaculturel <br />. mbiopage.htm <br /> <br />Sorel-Tracy continued on page 10 <br />
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