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<br /> <br />BUSINESS OF THE MONTH - PERFORMANCE AUTO <br /> <br />I_~~J <br /> <br />Ken Strantz, owner of Performance Auto takes great pride in the <br />quality of work they provide to their customers. The clean reception <br />room is graced with numerous certificates and accreditations from vari- <br />ous schools and courses that Ken and his mechanic Jim Kilian have com- <br />pleted. Ken recently completed a Garage Management Course to en- <br />hance his skills on shop management. . Continuing his education helps his <br />business tremendously and in dealing with potential problems. <br />Performance Auto is a member of the Auto Service Association <br />(ASA), and is Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certified. Only se- <br />lected shops who meet their high criteria are allowed into the organiza- <br />tion. Both organizations provide nationwide automotive support, and <br />recognize shops for their high standards of professionalism. Perform- <br />ance Auto belongs to Bumper to Bumper Auto Parts and is provided <br />with advertising, full support in locating parts and providing assistance in <br />training and National awareness. They are also a Tire One dealer, carry- <br />ing a full line of Master Craft tires. Performance Auto provides com- <br />plete bumper to bumper service. A roll-back tow truck has been pur- <br />chased recently to provide local towing services, and offer an Oil Change <br />Club Card. <br />Strantz developed his interest for cars and trucks during his early teens and developed his skills at building "mud-runners". <br />He had been working at Granger's in Hugo since 1981 providing janitorial and light mechanical duties while attending a technical <br />coDege for complete automotive repairs. In 1992, Ken decided to explore the opportunity of opening his own shop in Center- <br />vllle. The original shop was next door to its current location North of Main Street along 20th Avenue. He soon realtzed the <br />with the growth of Centerville, he would need to expand his facility and offer complete bumper to bumper services. The cur- <br />rent shop was built during the summer of 1998 mostly by Ken, with the help of family and friends. <br />With 3,000 square feet, he is able to accommodate up to six vehicles in the shop <br />Ken keeps a busy life outside of Performance Auto with his wife Pamela, who helps with the payrol~ and their 3 112 year old <br />son Hunter. He has been awarded many trophies over the years for his pool playing skills; enjoys the thrill snowmobile ice rac- <br />ing; building mud-runners; hunting and fIShing. <br />Ken stated that he is pleased with his decision to build his business in Centerville and to have such a good working rela- <br />tionship within the community. <br />Performance Auto is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to S p.m. and is located at 1139 20th Ave. North. Appointments <br />can be made by either stopping in or calling 6S 1-426-8012. <br /> <br /> <br />Sorel- Tracy continued trom poge 10 <br /> <br />Sodety <br />The steel industry is the main industry here, we also hove 0 strong service u.. <br />dust1y but because of the gIobo/isotion the region has some problems to find new <br />way to rebuild is economy. Personnolely ; think that we should <br />invest in research industry but poIit.idons ore not still int.erest.ed. <br />We hove 0 regional meal the GibeIotte (like 0 fish SOUP) very good. I will try to <br />translate the recipe in engIish if you ask me. Look at this cool site http://www. <br />( to find more about our summer Iocol <br />(estivol. <br />We are really proud of our Iocol college <br />where ; did my studies. <br />Some words about myself, i'm Pierre M~ aged of 43. not married yet I <br />~ work for my own on many jobs... I'm graduate student of our Iocol college in <br />physic sciences. I love to surf the web and meet new people there... The internet has <br />gave me a lot of great things so ;'m proud to help those who ask me some help. <br />If you hove any other questions don't wony and ask me. <br />Regard <br />Pierre Messier <br /> <br />
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