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<br /> <br />CITY COUNCILMEMBERS The City of CentervlIIe wiD have <br />two Councllmember positions open. Councllmembers' statutory <br />ME E T THE CAN DID ATE S dudes are to be performed. almost without exception. by the C0un- <br />cil as a whole. The Counci~ not indMdual members. must supervise <br />administrative offtcers. formulate policies and exercise City powers. The duties of CIty employees are the direct or indirect <br />. responsibility of the Council. Councilmembers should devote their official time to problems of basic poDcy and act as a rlaison <br />between the CIty and the general public. Councllmembers should be concerned. not only with the conduct of daily affairs. but <br />also with the future development of the CIty. <br />The most important single responsibility of a Councilmember Is participation at Council meetings. Each Councllmember. <br />including the Mayor in statutory cities, has full authority to make and second motions, participate In discussions. and vote on <br />fN8fY matter coming before the Council. As IncIivIduaIs. Councilmembers have no administrative authority. They cannot give <br />orders or otherwise supervise City employees unless spec:ificaIIy directed to do so by the Council. However. Councilmembers <br />have complete authority over all administrative affairs in the City. <br />The CouncIl evaluates the crecIentiaIs of individuals who are. or who claim to be. members of the Council. The Council <br />has the power to preserve order during its own meetings; establish rules of procedure; and to compel the attendance of mem- <br />bers at meetings. <br /> <br />Uncia Broussard Vickers has been <br />serving on CenterviIIe's CIty Council for <br />the past I Y2 years and has several years <br />of experience on the Planning and <br />Zoning Commission. <br />Unda states that she is open minded and <br />can listen to all sides of an issue and. is <br />not afraid to make an unpopular deci- <br />sion when it's the best decision for the <br />community as a whole. <br />VIckers is a CommercIal Insurance UnderwriteI. She <br />and her husband David have lived on a farm in CenterviDe <br />for the past 10Yz years. Unda enjoys the small community <br />with its rural environment and dose proximity to the Twin <br />Odes. <br />One thing that she would Uke to see is people accepting <br />responsibility for their own behaYIor. <br /> <br /> <br />Mike Carter moved from St. Paul to <br />CenterviIIe II years ago. A former flre- <br />fighter with the Centennial Fire Depart- <br />ment, he has been employed by Cub <br />Foods as a Meat Helper for over 20 <br />years and drives bus for Rehbein Transit <br />part-time. Mike enjoys the rural atm0s- <br />phere, quietness of the small city and <br />quality of life. <br />Carter believes that his Jenath of resi- <br />dency would be of a great asset as a Councllmember. He <br />would Dke to see more cornrnerdaI businesses come into <br />the community and help bring clown the tax base. Over the <br />years he has seen a lot of growth in the community and <br />wants to contribute to the future development within the <br />community. Mike would like to work on regulating various <br />City Codes and educating residents to be more responsible <br />: rather than banning certain ac:tlvit:les. <br /> <br /> <br />Mary Capra moved to Centerville in <br />1990. It didn't take long before they fell <br />In love with this small town. Capra en- <br />joys the small town feeling that she re- <br />ceives here and the beauty of the lakes. <br />She feels that Is a great enhancement to <br />her and her family's lives. <br />For Mary. It was never a question of if <br />she would run for office. it was when. <br />She fJ'fIN up connecred to local g0vern- <br />ment by her father and mother's steadfast commitment to <br />their community. <br />Capra would nke to have the City Council focus on a 5 <br />Year Plan rather than the City's Comprehensive Plan. She <br />sees a need to plan for dte future with regard to parks. envi- <br />ronmental issues, roads, traftk: and dte varying aces of resi- <br />dent growth within dte community. If elected she would like <br />to work toward some sort of multi purpose community <br />space for all ages of residents in the City. <br /> <br /> <br />Thomas Lee has resided in CentervIIIe <br />for just over 2 years. Afw visiting with <br />several of potential new neighbors. he <br />and his wife Judy rear.zed that Center- <br />ville would be a great place to raise <br />their two children. They enjoy being <br />surrounded by fields and woods. and <br />appreciate the small town feel along <br />with the quality of life that CentervIIIe <br />provides. Tom realizes that CentervilIe <br />wID continue to fIC1'N and develop and would Uke to be a <br />part of controDlng the directJon of its growth. Having been <br />in construction for many years. Lee understands the building <br />and zoning aspects of development. He believes that his <br />previous skills and analytical way of thinIcIng wID be of great <br />benefit If elected to Council. Lee stated that there Is no seIf- <br />fulfilling Interest in his cIecisIon to run for oftic:e and is confi- <br />dent that he will be able to contribute to the decision mak- <br />Ing process witbout.1etdng his personal opinion '"ten.~ <br /> <br />
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