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<br /> <br />QUALIFICATIONS FOR OFFICE Every candtcIate must SClte <br />on the Affidavit of CandIdacy that the c:ancIldate Is an eligible voter, <br />ME E T THE CAN DID ATE S will be at least 21 years of age when assuming office, and will have <br />been a resident of the district for at least 30 days before the general <br />eIecdon (Minnesota Statutes 2048.06). <br />DUTIES AND RESPONSIBIUTY OF THE MAYOR As the head of the City, the Mayor speaks 0fficlaiiy for both the <br />government and the communItf as a whole. In all statutOry and most charter cities, the Mayor Is the presiding officer and a <br />regular member of the CIty Council and has all the powers and duties for the office of CoundImember In addition to those of <br />Mayor. The Mayor usually serves as the Oty's representatlve before the Minnesota Le&islature. federal agencies and other local <br />governments. The Mayor performs ceremonial eludes on behalf of the community and usually greets Important visitors, gives <br />formal and Informal taIIcs, and takes part In public events. Because local civic groups frequently ask the Mayor to speak, the <br />Mayor must be prepared to explain and defend City problems and programs. The Mayor Is to exert leadership in Oty aff&Irs. <br />He or she must sign ordinances, contracts authorized by the Council, and written orders for payment of claims which have <br />been audited and allowed by the Council In addition, the Mayor Is the City Weed Inspector, examining all lands, inc:IucIing high- <br />ways, roads and alleys to detet ndne if the landowner has complied with the rules regarding the eradication of noxious weeds. <br />Mayors of all cities have election duties. Only the Mayor can declare a local emqency. It Is the duty of the mayor, clerk and <br />councilmembers to ensure that the CIty Is ProPerlY exercising Its functions, fulftlHng its duties under the law, and not exercising <br />powers that it does not legally possess. <br /> <br />Tim Swedberg <br />First-tlme Mayorlal cand1date 11m Swedberg describes him- <br />self as personable and happy-go-lucky with a "we're going <br />to get the job done" attitude. A resident of CentenllIe for <br />two years, he belIeVes <br />that the II eatest asset <br />of our community Is the <br />small town atmOSphere, <br />quality schools, sur- <br />rounding lakes and <br />paries. He believes that <br />people like the access to <br />the CitIes, however, en- <br />joy coming home to <br />peace and quiet. <br />Swedberg has been em- <br />ployed by the U.s. for- <br />est Service for 25 years <br />and Is currently a PublIc <br />Information Officer for <br />the U.s. Forest Service <br />North Central Research <br />Station. He was appointed by CentervilIe CIty Council as <br />liaison to AnoIa. County Highway 14 Task Force; a Scout- <br />master for Troop 232; as well as Involved with numerOus <br />community, school and c:hurch ac:dvh:Ies while rlYing on the <br />West Coast prior to moving back to Minnesota. <br />Tim believes that Centerville's Downtown Revitalization Is <br />essential and would like to IJ.eep the historic character while <br />providing access to the lakes and paths. <br />SWedberg states that he has a clear vision of the future. He <br />believes In the Design Team Plan; supporting. our youth by <br />developing City sponsored summer programs and camps; <br />creating a Community Center for all lies; and protecting <br />our environment. <br /> <br /> <br />Tom Wilharber <br />Accepting the role as CentervilIe's Mayor In the Spring <br />of 1995, Mayor Tom Wdharber is hoping to serve another <br />two year term. Retiring from the NattonaI Guard in Octo- <br />ber2000,Wilharber <br />states that he has much <br />more free time to dedi- <br />cate to the City of Cen- <br />terviIIe. <br />Living in Center- <br />ville for 33 years, Wil- <br />barber has seen the <br />community 1J'OW signifi- <br />cantly. He believes that <br />certain types of deve1- <br />opment are good and <br />would like to continue <br />to keep the community <br />safe and dean. He be- <br />lieves that it Is of great <br />Importance to the c0m- <br />munity to have an equal <br />balance between commercial and Industrial development and <br />would Uke to see a high qual'1ty, type of industry in the fu- <br />ture, providing better paying jobs for area residents. The <br />development must be a compUmentary blend for adjacent <br />property and of course be environmentally responsible and <br />able to meet the needs of our community. He would like to <br />continue an active role in the follow through of projects that <br />have already been started. <br />Through the years, Wdharber has been involved with <br />the Planning and Zoning CommissIon, served as a City <br />Coundlmember and IIason to the Police Department and <br />served on the Are District Steering Committee. <br />Wilharber continues to manage his mother's farm, whll:. <br />continuing to provide the commitment and service that h, <br />strongly believes in. <br /> <br />
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