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<br />''''0 <br /> <br />SI,t--'~ 2CIOO I <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />, <br />" <br />COanpIete the,foIIowIn& Trivia _ and .... tD CIty,HaI In . sealed envelope marked: c...... T", c:...... '" <br />.T.....,. 0c.tDMr II......,.,.... 1m OnIyaneWlnnerwll beannounced. Ifmuldplewlniw'sarise, then..... <br />tram, . hat wiI take pIacle at CIty Hal 01'1 Tuesday. NoM.. I at IO:GO un. The winner wID be notiIed. The winner .... <br />ceIves il Cent8.. colee...... Answws wiI be In .- month's Le joUrnal'" with the wlnner's name. $arry_ CIty scalf. <br />~COIId1t1lllcm members, ~jo&I"ftaI'" Me:' their Imnaecllate.... are not allowed tD enter! <br />, ~ or write In tile correct ~ <br />I. What was the ad on the east side of the former I.D McrIte's Store that was discovered when the build- <br />Ins was recentW re-sldedl <br />2. CentervlIIe was once known as: ...... Paris, UI.tIe Las '..- WId RIce CIty <br />'3. Which .... at Center-llUe Elementary Is responsible for Centervll~'s History on their webslte <br /> <br />4. The PeltIer Lake Ashlng PIer Is a cooperative project between Anoka County Parks & <br />5. How many Handicap parking sip are posted at the WaterworJcs parking Iotl <br />6. What Is the name of Bill BIsek. owner of Kelly's Korner, new baby girl! <br />7. ' Hf?w many park benches widI backs are at Tracie McBrIde Park? <br /> <br />t:mtubflk Gtritlfa <br /> <br />Address Tel. "- <br />The winner will receive a CenteRIIle Coffee .. <br />complIments of CentemIIe Economic DenIopIllef.d ConunIueeI <br /> <br />Name <br /> <br />..~..tl1rille.,.. <br />"'-er's fit Aupsts Comest <br />In the mid 1800's. the French-Canacfians occupIecI which side of the CemreYIIIe T ownshtpl ... (pr. 7 of the St. Gen"s redpe book) <br />Who supervised the buIIdIna of the first parish church In CernerviIIe In 18551 fro ICeIIer (,. lOin die St. Gen"s redpe book) <br />Whose recipe Is used for St. Gen's coleslaw served at their annual Church Pialid Apes LcIMoIt (July 1eJoUl'DCll) , <br />On which nJah1s Is CentervIJIe Crty CouncH heldl 2.. 4th w......., (E.nty I.eJoamoI <br />Who Is the third Insurance Apnt featured In the Summer 2000 Le journaIl jordan Savaaeau. Paul StefFel and... MldHJeI HoII <br />"Pony Be Critter Camp" was otrered this summer by.... DowD on tile ,_ <br />How many employees work at City Hall..... <br />What Is the ~te ~Iation of CenunIIIe taday~'" tICCOf'dIarto tile recent Census. <br />SeveniI MtrI_ were receINcI, however. nOlle were correctI Keep ttylnal <br /> <br />an REVIEW ,.."".,,__ ~ 7 <br />preliminary plans Is a 1Ilen cenw. The <br />y repnsamadves were also rec:epdve <br />tD the possIbIIIcr of a skate park In con- <br />juncdon with their proposed fadIItr. <br />'TheJ currently operate skate paries at <br />some of their ,other locations. The <br />maIn,ltem of concern Is transpOi Iadon <br />tD .... proposecIlocatIon tD and hili <br />the SUI'I'OUIldIrw c:ommunIdes. ' It was <br />Intel esdn& tD r.m that 1heIr UIen cen- <br />ters have annual operatIOnal costs of <br />appI oxII._ $60.000 to $70.000 per <br />year. The Y cIIredor wr be WOIIcInI <br />on a 1' schetlUIe that' wUI <br />be made available tD c:ommunldes prior <br />tD, maIcIn& any .,. of f'.nandaI CXNIIIIIIt- <br />ments. It also was SUClI.d that they <br /> <br />hold c:omrnunIty meetIft&s In each CIty <br />, to pther Input and present their Ideas <br />prior to the Oty's c:el1fyIng their final <br />hwJs. <br />'A meedn& was held at ChornonIx <br />to discuss snowmobHes and routes In <br />the ReaJonaI Parle. The CountJ will be <br />cIosIns off a portion of, the traU that <br />used tD be acCessIble tD snowmobiles. <br />ThIs Is due tD the route beIrW paved <br />with asphalt.. The CountJ plans tD <br />aroom G"OSS country sid trails In the <br />park. 'The CountJ ... has made the <br />RIce Creek Trad Assadadon' aware of <br />this tiU.don. The primary location <br />that will be Inc:onveIIIenc:ecIIs the area <br />around Reshanau Lake. Those hIn8 at <br />this Iocildon used tD be able tD snow- <br /> <br />mobile from Reshanau Lake throuah <br />the reatonaI park to CencervIIIe Lake <br />and then north aaoss Peltier Lake to <br />aa:ess the trails leading further to the <br />north. Now 1:hose snowmobn.s will <br />have to travel around Georae Watch <br />Lake to accomplish the same raute. <br />They will also be walch.. with the local <br />pollee cIepar1ments In reprds to en- <br />fa cement. The County HIaIlWIJ De- <br />piu1ment Is prepII'Ina ...In reprds <br />to the closure. The Park DepIttment <br />., will be Inst:aIIIng barriers, snow- <br />fence etc.. tD close off the old route. <br />Plans for the HolIday Party are _In,_ <br />the works. The date Is scheduled forW <br />Saturday. December t. 2000. <br />