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<br />Aupt.2OOO <br /> <br />PIp 5 <br /> <br />I <br />,,, <br /> <br />CemenlIle: ,...."". Past.... FocusIIIg.. tile,.,. <br /> <br />Public Safety <br />SuIImf&recI ", otfket HldIoltIs MIller <br />School Is soon upon us. <br />Please watch for children and <br />buses. Pay particular atten- <br />tion to bus stop. arms and <br />. , school patrol flap. A driver must stOp for <br />all schoof PatToI flap and bus stop arms when extended. , Fai1- <br />ure to do so while children are In the.road Is a Gross Mtsde- <br />:1l8IIlOI'. These violations ma; be reported by anyone and <br />. have 4 hours to report. Please be carerut. <br /> <br />City RevIew <br /> <br />Sewer and watII main conscruc:- <br />tIon Is occurrin& on CentervIIIe Road <br />at Hunter's Crossing, and should be L <br />completed by the end of September. -- <br />CentervllIe Is looking forward to <br />the arrival 'of County Bank In our <br />community. They plan to have a m0- <br />bile banking facility on location by mid- <br />September. <br />Copies of City Ordinances may <br />be picked up at City Hall If you have <br />any questions or concerns. the CIty <br />staff Is more than happy to assist. <br /> <br />Public Works <br />The CIty has succiSsfUlly dosed <br />on the &ale TrucIcIng location and <br />preparations are tlIcIng place for Cen- <br />tervllle's PublIc Works Department to <br />move into the new location soon. <br /> <br /> <br />MARK <br />YOUR <br />CALENDAR <br /> <br />Hydrant flushing will take <br />place October 2 through 6. <br />You may wish to <br />refrain from doing laundry <br />while they are in your area. <br /> <br />Old you Awow_l~ MINUTE pASSES <br />ARE AvAIlAblE AT NO CIwiGE INTO me <br />RICE CREEk CIiAIN of lAkEs & <br />CAMPGROUNd so ONE MAY TAkE A <br />bRIef TOUR of TkE NEW bEAcli; boAT <br />IAuNCk ANd CAMPGROUNdl ' <br /> <br /> <br />Centerville Neishborhoocls Partldpate In <br />National Nlaht Out <br /> <br />CentelmiaI Lakes Police De- <br />partment report that sixteen <br />out of eighteen Neighborhood <br />CrIme Watch Groups in che <br />area pardcipated In NatIonal <br />N"1Iht Out held Tuesday, August <br />I, 2000. Centerville had several <br />neighborhoods participating with <br />many showing up for and eve- <br />ning of food, socializing and visits <br />from the Police and Rre Depart- <br />ment. <br />To organize a Neighbor- <br />hood Crime Watch. please all <br />Centennial Lakes Police Depart- <br />ment at (763) 784-250 I for complete details. With everfOl18's cooperation, we can <br />continue to help,~ CenterviIIe a safe city for all ' <br /> <br /> <br />'Miller becomes Full nme Peace OffIcer <br /> <br /> <br />Centennial Lakes Police De- <br />partment Officer, Nicholas Miller, <br />became a full-time Peace Officer <br />July 5, 2000. Officer Miller had been <br />serving as the Community ServIces <br />OffIcer with the Department. <br />Miller continues to perform CSO <br />duties, while completing his training <br />as a Peace Officer. <br />Officer Miller Is shown with the <br />Oepartment's new logo on a police <br />car. <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />Concerned with <br />,35E & County Road 14'1 <br />A petition Is available to sian <br />at: Ch:y Hall for chose con- <br />cerned wit:h safet:y Issues at: che <br />off ramps from 35E onto <br />Councy Road 14. <br />This Informadon will be <br />shared wit:h HuSO and 'Uno <br />Lakes In hopes of provldlns a <br />successful solution. <br />