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<br />Febru!Ir7 2000 <br /> <br />"'5 <br /> <br />c......: ".,., rIae,....... ~.a& Furure <br /> <br />--. - ,.~ <br /> <br />.~ Economic Development <br />Committee <br />SuIlmIaecI ", MldIeIe Moser <br />me CommlUee Member <br />At the January 18. 2000 Economic <br />'DeveIopment Committee ~. dis- <br />cussion continued on the .issues of the <br />CIty Theme and Phase I of the Do... <br />town Redevelopment.. CommIttee <br />member Paul MontaIn shared cIetatIs of <br />his recent visit to BIwabIk, MN. where <br />he was very imp' essed by the resuIcs of <br />their downtown rede4elopment and co- <br />ordInationhheme efforts. A Phase 1 <br />Downtown Redevelopment Report and <br />photos providing ideas for downrown <br />stI eetscape and IiahdnI options dtat <br />were provided by the Ci1J's 81...._ <br />were reviewed and discussed.. Brain- <br />storming continues for ideas for a winter <br />festival or event for the winter of 2000. <br />Some of the ideas Include Winter Olym- <br />pics. sleigh rides, snowshoe or croSs- <br />country sid races, snowItce sculpture <br />contests, and a "HoBday Ughts" contest. <br />New business Included cI1scussions <br />i,or recognizing the BusIness Person and <br />CItizen of the Year along with the Ufe. <br />time Achievement Award wiluters at the <br />Fetes de Lacs CeIebI ation andlooldng at <br />a proposal to Implement a l.ont- Term <br />Planning CommIttee to work solely on <br />the Design Team Ideas. <br /> <br />EDC Members <br /> <br />Tim Rehbine 484-8800 <br />CIurI.,.,... <br />John Magin 426-6608 <br />Paul Montain 426-2956 <br />Mary Capra 653-1732 <br />Lori Dom 653-561.6 <br />Michelle Moser 401-1882 <br /> ).Betsy Scheller 653-9846 <br />'-., / <br />Richard Travis 407-0018 <br /> <br />.. .. <br />& 'lt6cflm&.. <br />~~ tTo1*-".WIta/* <br /> <br />CItIzen of the Year AwanI <br />. Recoanlttn& c1tizens that have <br />decIkaUId time and talent to the corn- <br />munItr. over the pUt year. 'NomInee <br />must be a resident of CentervIII8 <br />wlthIn.the aIendar year of 1999. <br />........ of the Year AwonI <br />Rec:ognIzing businesses dtat have <br />supported and comrtbuted to the cOm- <br />munItJ over the past year. Must be a <br />business owner c:oncIucdng business In <br />CentenIIIe within the calendar year of <br />1999. <br /> <br />UfetIme AchIe..... A"," <br />Awarded to an outstanCIing past or <br />present resident who s8rved the corn- <br />muntty over many years. Please submit <br />a letter with the nominees name, ad- <br />dress, your name, acIcIress and reason <br />why you feel they should be n0mi- <br />nated. to City HaD by f'ebruaty '5th. <br /> <br />Ballots for CItizen of the Year and <br />Business of the Year may be pIcIced up <br />at City HaD. <br />Please complete and retLrn to <br />CIty HaD by FebruoIY ,5- <br />Sponsored ", tile <br />CenterWIIe Economk ~ <br />Commlltee. <br /> <br />,. . Public Works <br />Just G Remlnclerl J, <br />It Is, the responsibility, of <br />the homeowner to remove . <br />snow from 1he skIewaIIcs <br />surroundin8 their .resi- <br />dence. <br /> <br />~Jegodadons are "".underwaJ to pur- <br />chase the Eaafe' Truc:Idrc site far' the <br />new location of CentervIIIe's PubIc <br />Works. <br /> <br />Snowmobiling IS NOT <br />AllowCd mANY of. . <br />Centerville's parks. <br /> <br /> <br />VoIunteelS Needed lot' <br />Fete Des lacs <br />Call: Ray 407-1800 <br /> <br />"/-''''''''''.,.,...,..,~'''''''''',."...,.,..,..,..,..,..,..."..,.,.".,..,..,_.,..;'V'., <br /> <br />. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <br /> <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br /> <br />. . <br /> <br />CllV MERCJ.tANdlsE <br />Show YOIIR CITY PRIdE <br /> <br />. <br />. <br />. <br /> <br />HAT - $10 * MUG - $~ <br />: T-Sl-tiRT - $12 * Golf Sl-liRT - $20 : <br />SWEATsl-tiRT - $2~. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />AvAilAblE M Chy I-Wl. SpoNSOREd by CENmMIIEs' me : <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <br />