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Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems <br /> Some undeveloped parcels contain homesteads served by Individual Sewage Treatment Systems(ISTS). <br /> Less than a dozen of these systems remain within the City limits. The City's code does not allow <br /> subdivision or development without connection to City sewer and water(Chapter 153.17). City <br /> ordinance also does not allow existing ISTS to be replaced as long as connection to City sewer is feasible. <br /> The City also plans to have all residents connected to city water and sewer services by 2040. <br /> For the small number of existing ISTS,the City employs Anoka County's services for required inspections. <br /> If for some reason, a new ISTS would be the only available form of sewering an existing parcel,the City <br /> would ensure that it was designed and constructed in accordance with MPCA rule 7080. This is, <br /> however, highly unlikely. <br /> Inflow and Infiltration <br /> Met Council has consistently concluded that Centerville's flows during wet weather events do not show <br /> significant signs of Inflow or Infiltration (I/I). This is likely due to the fact that most of the city's sewer <br /> system (both public and private) was constructed, post 1970,from largely gasketed, PVC pipe. <br /> Ordinance#51.10.C.2 prohibits sump pumps,foundation drains and rain leaders from being connected <br /> to, and/or discharged into,the sanitary sewer. <br /> "(2)Discharge of unpolluted water to public sewers. <br /> (a)It is unlawful for any person to discharge or cause to be discharged any unpolluted <br /> water such as stormwater, groundwater, roof runoff, surface drainage or non-contact <br /> cooling water to any sanitary sewer. <br /> (b) Stormwater and all other unpolluted drainage shall be discharged to the sewers as <br /> are specifically designed as storm sewers or to a natural outlet approved by the city and <br /> other regulatory agencies. <br /> (c)It is unlawful to connect the sources of unpolluted drainage to any sanitary sewer. <br /> Industrial cooling water or unpolluted process waters may be discharged to a storm <br /> sewer or natural outlet on approval of the city and upon approval and the issuance of a <br /> discharge permit by the MPGA. " <br /> The city's programs and strategies to prevent I/I consist of links on the city's website to I/I prevention <br /> information for homeowners, information placed in the city's newsletter, on the city's website or social <br /> media feeds and brochures in the front lobby of city hall. Again, because the city has such minimal I/I <br /> issues,the city's I/I prevention or mitigation program may be smaller than others, but is appropriate, <br /> relative to the size of the problem. <br /> Regularly, portions of the City's sewer are televised in a rotation ensuring all mains are televised every <br /> ten years. During these inspections, services exhibiting constant clear water flows are noted and <br /> investigated for possible illegal connections. <br /> Insert excerpt from Met Council letter on 0 here:. <br /> 54 <br />