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L Establish design and construction standards for sanitary sewer installation and maintenance <br /> to minimize potential sources of inflowlnfiltration in the sewer collection system. <br /> L Continue monitoring potential sources of inflowlnfiltration to reduce inefficiencies in the <br /> metropolitan wastewater treatment system. <br /> L Ensure consistency with all watershed rules, especially as they relate to surface water. <br /> L Continue to implement conservation programs aimed at reducing residential water use. <br /> Sanitary Sewer <br /> The City of Centerville is entirely surrounded by the City of Lino Lakes. Therefore, development <br /> boundaries are well defined. The City is nearing the point of full build-out. Small sections of <br /> undeveloped land in the City's northern, southern and eastern reaches exist, undeveloped at <br /> this time. <br /> Individual Sewage Treatment Systems <br /> Some of these undeveloped parcels contain homesteads served by Individual Sewage <br /> Treatment Systems (ISTS). Less than a dozen of these systems remain within the City limits. <br /> The City's code does not allow subdivision or development without connection to City sewer and <br /> water (Chapter 153.17). City ordinance also does not allow existing ISTS to be replaced as long <br /> as connection to City sewer is feasible. The City also plans to have all residents connected to <br /> city water and sewer services by 2040. <br /> For the small number of existing ISTS, the City employs Anoka County's services for required <br /> inspections. If for some reason, a new ISTS would be the only available form of sewering an <br /> existing parcel, the City would ensure that it was designed and constructed in accordance with <br /> MPCA rule 7080. This is, however, highly unlikely. <br /> System Capacity <br /> By the end of the planning period (2040), the City anticipates full build-out of its undeveloped <br /> areas. The City's existing trunk main and lift station facilities are designed to handle the flow <br /> from these small, remaining areas without further upgrade. Some trunk mains may need minor <br /> extensions to reach the unsewered areas, but no upsizing will be required downstream to <br /> accommodate these developments. <br /> Figure 18 shows the City's Sanitary Sewer Collection System including gravity and forcemain <br /> pipes, manholes, lift stations and remaining ISTS. The map also shows schematic <br /> representations of future trunk main extensions to serve undeveloped parcels. <br /> Inflow and Infiltration (I/I) <br /> The MCES has monitored flows during both dry and wet weather and found that the increase in <br /> sanitary sewer flow is well below the thresholds set by the Metropolitan Council for wet weather <br /> peaking. Never the less, City code and policies prohibit the connection of sump pumps, <br /> downspouts, foundation drains, other passive drain tiles or other storm water sources to service <br /> laterals. <br /> 58 <br />