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CITY OF CENTERVILLE <br /> REQUEST FOR <br /> COUNCIL ACTION entervi(Ce <br /> E77 <br /> Agenda Item# Department: Requested Council Meeting Date: <br /> Public Works 5/23/2018 <br /> TITLE OF ISSUE: <br /> Change Order- Trailside Park Shoreline Restoration <br /> BACKGROUND AND SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION: <br /> The project to restore shoreline along the east side of Centerville Lake at Trailside Park has been progressing <br /> well. As the work continues, the city's inspector, Greg, and the contractor have noted that it is taking a bit more <br /> rip rap than was called for on the plans. This means additional costs, since it is a unit price project, where the <br /> contractor is paid per cubic yard of material placed, not just as a lump sum. Greg has been in touch with both <br /> Rice Creek Watershed District and Anoka Conservation District(designers of the project). The RCWD board <br /> will act on 5/23 to decide on if and how their grant could be extended to cover a portion of the overage. At the <br /> time of this memo, RCWD staff is presenting options to its board which could result in remaining costs to the <br /> city between $8,000 - $17,000. <br /> COST AND SOURCE(S) OF FUNDING: <br /> Estimated $8,000 - $17,000 - Sewer Fund <br /> REQUESTED COUNCIL ACTION: <br /> Motion to approve Change Order#1 to the Trailside Park Shoreline Restoration Project, not to exceed <br /> $17,000. <br /> For Clerk's Use: <br /> SUPPORTED DOCUMENTS ATTACHED <br /> Motion By: <br /> Resolution Ordinance Contract Minutes Plan Map <br /> Second By: <br /> Vote Record: A e Nay <br /> King Other(specify) <br /> Love <br /> Paar <br /> Koski <br /> Montain <br /> Administration Department Use: <br /> Refer to: <br /> Consent <br /> Tabled Until: <br /> Regular <br /> Other: <br /> 61 <br />