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1998 - Fall
City Council
1998 - Fall
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<br />'-- <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />~wsletter <br /> <br />entervilCe <br />- 'Esta6fisfiet{ 1857 <br /> <br />'" Fall1998 <br /> <br />Lifetime Achievement Award <br />Presented July 22, 1998. to <br />Orville Hughes <br /> <br />1880 Mtdn Street I <br /> <br /> <br />Orville was born to Herbert Hughes and Eleanor Peltier on the seventh day of <br />March 1932. He is one of eight children in his family. He went to Centerville <br />School until the third grade, then his family moved to Centerville Township. He then <br />attended school next to the Methodist Cemetery on Birch Street through the eighth <br />grade. It was at that point in his life that he started working for local farmers. When <br />he was eighteen, he worked in construction, and helped build the hippodrome at the <br />State Fair grounds. <br />/' " He was drafted into the armed forces during the Korean War shortly after he <br />( ~ turned twenty. He served in the Army Signal Corp. He was a power maintenance man and was respOnsible for <br />-~ bringing power to the camp that he was stationed at. <br />While he was still in the service he returned home on leave and married Beverly LaCasse. They.were married on <br />April 22, 1953 in the Church of St. Genevieve, Centerville. Beverly joined Orville shortly after he arrived at his base <br />in California. <br />Throughout their life together every decision was based on how they could provide for themselves and their <br />children. They raised seven children together. Taking care of a family did not give Orville the opPortunity to further <br />his own education. He often worked many jobs to provide the many items that seven children needed as they grew up. <br />Orville served his community through being a volunteer fIreman. He was a volunteer on the ftre department for <br />twenty-one years. <br />Orville went to work for Centennial School District at Center:viIle Elementary in 1970. In 1971 Mayor Marcel <br />Rivard asked Orville if he would work part-time for the city cutting grass on the city hall field which was loC~ on <br />the current senior housing property. Orville wore many different hats while working for the city. In his work he <br />usually went above and beyond duties. . <br />Orville was promoted to Public Works Director in 1986 and worked several more years for the city. When Orville <br />retired and Paul Pa1zer was hired, Orville was stilI explain how our system worked and was always willing to <br />lend a hand if needed. " <br />Orville continued to work at Centerville Elementary School until lie retired in 1997. While working-at the school, <br />he developed a very special relationship with the local Cub Scout Pack 432. Orville helped the Scouts in many <br />different ways and was made an honorary Scout by the Pack. This was just one more example of how he loved to <br />help others. <br />In everything he was involved in he gave it his all. I asked Orville if he had a special saying or a favorite quote. <br />Beverly spoke up and said, "He may have said it in different ways, but the meaning was always the same. He would <br />say, "I can help with that. ". . j . <br />Over the years, many things that Orville did were part of his job. But to him as a persoll he did so many more <br />(things that were not part of his job. He gave of himself in every way for his family, city, community and school. <br />Today we give thanks for au that you have done and for all that we knOw you will still continue to do. ~ you _ <br />from the city, school and cOlDlD.unity'that you served so well by always saying "I ~ help with that." <br /> <br />By Mary Capra, Lifetime Acbievement Award Committee <br /> <br />tl'Rememberfo Vote November 3n1 <br />
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