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<br /> <br />'" ~'" <br />..;, <br /> <br />~.' ' <br />," '; <br /> <br /> <br />- ; <br />__ _ )\.r__ <br /> <br />f~ -,r. T'"', f\'.:'iL" <br /> <br /> <br />> Any Comments? <br /> <br /> <br /><;';;'The,Cfty~f~nt~I;~-~Y "{',, ~~\.^"q"., <br /> <br />does not allow parking on city streetS;' ", ..PW.'..... .,'.e.',,'. F. '....'....l.~.t'r' .....'..1\', ",,'.'t. e, is <br />between,,3:30 a.m. to 7:00 ,a.m. dany. . e;u . <br />Durlngresldentla,constructlon It' N d d' , <br />, sometimfJSbecofne'dlfflcult to e.." .~ <br />'off the. stre8tdue to'drivewq ...~, <br />, ' . cpnstrUctlO,n or when wet condition ' ' Elecome '1l1VQlvedlnyourtommuJ1ltY . ~ .....IIIili.... "." '-': <br />pfeventparklng on the prtv_ 'and help'provlde'forthe _etyand, <br />,property.u In ORJerto~lctresldents. "'-.reOfyourfamllyat1d,neighbors. ,'. ..: ,..,.,. , - <br />the City CounCIl ha~upproved,an ,TheCentennlal FJreD1stJicUs In . . ,..... , . " <br />admlnlstratlvepl'OCedUrewhereby 'n_offtre'flghtersWhowoUld be City Couned "" , <br />.'C.,........,,~dents:':tn c:,;:~n~tmtC '~"" .... ~19c~flCi~~1I~. _.n9~...-'~"=,Il1.e..,._.,u,~." "'. ... ..' .u,'~~c'''''. ~..~...._.,.~L,-=cr.: .-"~=='C <br />,~<,,~1;'*,._IllI!!9!.a. -JI!=~'-'11l .__~~_,.='-..~(,-;.4NIIJS~"Ib8Era.DI~au='~i;~~~ ,.=-~~.='2'C="",=."'..~Ac=.~"T=' <br />""'durlngconstructlon. Thelnf9rmefl....'.,......the I--tralnl ....t " 00, ...,~ . "".'.'., .' ,...... "':".. ,<." .;. ~', <br />",,';i, . '.".' . ,.'..' "., io' . '" ~.' .CQ,M~ '.' ". .... requ'..... . ng,pay, Qi'ea ", ..'. ".' '. ','. ,,' " . ........ . ,...<~~.....-. <br />-J:~ on the permlt.1I1I be .may_ tethe. .'~, and a pe"SfoIlJl1IiUI"~TI ..,...,,..CIty Councllm6oi1ho VitU.e ~lId . , . <br />, Police Oepa,went so ~aUhey will If lIVe Inthcentetvme ". ,'" . . ,andfourthWednesday of the month. " <br />aDowthetempoRIIY~ovemlght. .. ......... you... i.. ' 8.. . .'. ..area, '. ........ 1l1~m~ngs.....,opentothe <br />,padQilg~,Formotell'tfOrrttatlonon'the~.,figtitttr. .aqd......;"',~,publIC'tIndttleCOundl enco~eS? <br />ptOcedure,please call city Hall. areavaUabIe during the'da~me lltSIdents to attel1d. These meetings <br />.' .. .', .... 'hours,C~ef Bennett would like to are also broadcasted live oneable .. <br />. hear from you. Please call Chief' channel 16. . <br />Bennett fotfurther InformatlQn at .. .,. , <br />184-7472. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />) -:-, <br /> <br />~~r~~r ~11V~;'i~ce ablaCk.d~p., <br />box' Is located on the east sI(:Ie. of the <br />driVeWay at the City Hall. The drop <br />box can beutlllzecUor after hours <br />paymentS and Infol'rnatlon~ . . <br /> <br />The CIty would Dketo see area <br />busln... advertise to the_dents <br />of Centervllle. If you would uke to <br />'ac:Jve..., In the city wide newsletter <br />, please call Truetl at City Half: <br />4~232. ' <br /> <br />MJ\KEA DIFFERENCE~.Every <br />day. Meals on ,Wheels volunteers <br />deliver rneals to' homebound. people, <br />many of whom would not be able ,to <br />stay in thelr,owri homes Wittlollt this <br />service. .If you want to ma~e a .. <br />dlffer:encein someone's life; please <br />,'c'vo1Unt~t:Call:~43+6111. ,... .. ... <br /> <br />: ,~ ,~, ' <br />~:'..",'~- <br /> <br />" "- ' <br />. -: ',' ,'. <br />',' - ' " - ~ <br />. i,' ,t,'. '~:~~-'5;1T~,~zr>~;'~j~ ',-c"'::~1! <br />