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<br />~::;~M.~~ /$.. <br /> <br />We are ~. thattimopfthe year. (Ma.rch), when <br />road restdCtiODs txumle a part ofJife fbr approxima1ely 6-8 COUNCIL CORNBlt <br />weeks...IfJOllare ~i.or baviq cIriveway Durilladle JDODtIIs ofOc:tobet. November. ~. <br />....~ done~_ time period. the ..,.:Pe1tmaIy aad Matcb, the City CouaciI took the <br />~s) are requirecllO obtain a*Over W.... f'oJlowJDJacdoDsofsl~: <br />........'!lrom-CityJfa1l~lapplcJVaUsreqwrecUbr .._~.."..~,+,-. - - un ___h____ <br />aD. ~"'....pimDi1S.cauCityHaDat 429-323~. <br />. . - , . -JavitCd'... ltice Creek \VateIshedDistrlctJ)eputment of <br />..STRBBT MAlNTBNANCB WOlUC NatumI Resobi~ aad all)' other'appropriate agoociel to <br />ThiS~'OJ die city \Yilt be tmtkil\l stteetrepdJs aDd will atteDd a.... wad baDk Stabilization program <br />~JlU_~""which~~~~I:' ~";'. 'nn_ '.' ". . . :... .... .nn <br />.ClIlpIldewithan ~ RiIIU__SO -- ~_IOWOJk" Cit,y eqgjneer ~attorney 10 <br />_lJeccmtplll~d in.. dmely~. l\$dvet1leACome"TIaiI"'-nteot.~:..' <br />-..-cWkluMIJNSfOwniLummfiNMiy--- .- -::::'=,thec::.mi=::::,~~:;;Iat.-- <br />"rheWater Department will be ~ die ___maiDs .ordered. a letter DOtifyinJ,d)perty OWDel'Stbatboulevanl <br />"".1-5.< You might experieDce low water pressumor hDpmveDaems are prohibitcdshou1clthe JUOPOIt1 owner <br />tlisootoiadoa ofwater. Please -.nljCl this is 0Illy wish to ietain tbe IJouIevaRI iIDproYemenL' . <br />momenta., aDd )'OUI"reUabJewater service wiD be restoJed -Adopted a RSOIudon proeIAiming October 27,1994 ~ be. <br />as SOOJi as ~'e. If you chaose 10 wash clothes during Tumotrtbe VioleDceDay. . . <br />t1ds~oftlusbiD&JePIOJftber to chec:k,ourwasher.. -Advised It All ~Developer of Aconi Creek 1st <br />0\reIy.oyclefor1lbrown._anddi-=:::~~ ~~._fbatlf_~"'.notsecuretbe_ _ <br />UDtiI-ct.fapbL NOTS~ Washia8.your ..- ..' - - BpprqHiate ~~mea... die City of CenterYiIle shall <br />this time may stain them. . withhold an buildinl penpits for the projec:t. O. . <br />-Asked the ~ aadZoltiDa Commission 10 investigate <br />the citJ's bufl4i". permitrequil'emeDts. - <br />SPRING CLEAN-UPleEAR.M DAY -Authorized an a...... with the Lions Club IOretocale <br />~ SpdnJ~~ be. Apri122. A free the city's storage shecl onto city property. . <br />-Tabled consideIatioDof the exteDSion of Centtal Padt <br />at theWaraO Nature Center. BventsiadudeLinolakes, ~.._ <br />Ckde Pines and l.-iqgfon. Volunteers are Deeded for this _Adopted a resolution of the reappointment of Andy <br />event, ifiDterestedc:ontactcity ball at 429-3232. CardiDalIO tbe Rice Creek Watershed District Manager. <br />-~ana~ !o()rI!i.~4.Sc;Wuleof <br />CITYWIDE GARAGE'SALE Distrid RepIaticms Permitted and Special Uses, 10 add <br />'DleGarale Sale \Yilt be on May 19th and .2Othfrom 9 LQL Jigkt ~ BOt 10 exceed 4.000 square r... <br />104 P.QL' VolUnteers are seeded for this event, if special use in B-1 Commercial ZooingDistrict. <br />iDterestecl coDtac:t city hall at 429-3232. Watch for details -ApprCJvecl a special use permit request of Casanova Inc. 10 <br />. _jJatbe~1)g NewsleUJa'L - operatea-liaht manuf'acturiaa mldiae sbopofmetals for- . <br />~inery builders at 7129- 20th Avenue North. . <br />O .... .- -ApprCJveclIO doDate the origioal CenteIviIIe Police Badp <br />10 TUDOthy J. Ross, LiDo Lakes Police Department, and 10 <br />support hiseftbrt to preserve the JocaIIaw enforoement <br /> <br />history. ':. . . . <br />.oft"ered position of ClerkIAdmiDistmtor to Roger Wmbeq. <br />PARK AND RECREATION COMMlr.t~ -OJfered position of ~ssistant City QerktoTrudi <br />BiUBisek, owner ofKelly's Komer. has been appointed as . Bren1Iinp. . <br />die newest ~oftbe Park and Recreation Comtnitt-=e. -Received a doQ8tion ofSl.500.00fromMiDnegasco's <br />there 8re.stiD 2 wcaneies available. If you are iatemsted in Pmsnun Mauger. Local Government and Economic <br />the -~ and pl.,.pi. ofCenterviUe's Park System, DeveIopmeDt.Ame HencIric:kson..1O formally ~7e <br />plea$eCODt8Ct City Hall at 429-3232. CentervilIe's eft'ortslO becoJne a Star City. 0 <br />· =~::....:...~a:.. . .. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />..,... <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />