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<br />year goals aucioueyearobjectiveS. . NOllm METRO MCRBAnON <br />, -Approved the low quote oflmpressicms IDe. for the COMMISSION .. <br />: 0 printiDg oftlleCentelYille Pact Rook1eL ~ <br /> <br />'(ce. ~e . .~.~, =~-...AcIoptedtbe~taxlev;y~iD..lm;~t-",:ccc-,,-~,,=~,,,,,~,'-c~_'n'-7--'O" . ......,.._. ...=. <br />. '. :fimdlevywasS328,280. .....,'..e_.. <br />fc~~", =~.:-=~ ~'. ,~~c~-'~_"""'~___',u~"L_'"_,~__,_,,,~ .~. i <br />, lIaDSt'erriDg fimds fiom various 1MlW".. CmderviI1e is seeJdng a "'ldA1ive to serve on the NOdb <br />. -Approved tile IeCOm~ of the BconomJc Metro RecRation (>>mmillllinn. Por more iaformatioa <br />==-~=~,=~~~~.~;.,. tQ_a_JU\'.~~~~@!=.. - .~please.COJdact citJstaft.alm.-3232._-==,.,=~==. .~,' <br />1995 citizen of tile year. . <br />-Approved tile JeCOm~ oIthe Bconomic: <br />Development Committee to award lUchard Defoe, <br />W-ttOlks. as busJJ'eSS peISDD of tile year. <br />-Appnwed tile capital Jmprovement pIaD. <br />-Directed ci1J Sbdfto c:ontact Gerald RebbeID to have bim <br />work.with tile Park and Recreation Com...... for tile 1I8il <br />easelUent for tile Acorn Creek Park <br />-Directed the Plsmniqg_ Zoning Comm..... to <br />.,'..'c . <br />-Approved tile Chi to absorb the Ciij ~ debt of <br />$4,561.00 with tile bDdeIwIAmIing that if the ci1J ClOIIects OD <br />the Hen fiom tbec:amiwl OWDer, that DlOIIe.J will go back <br />to the city and that the LioDs Club wUl1abover tile city <br />c:eIebratioD. <br />-AdqJtedthe Park and Pedestriaa System CompJeheDsive <br />Plan. <br />-Appointed Theresa Blewier to the P.conomic Development <br />Committee, . <br />-AppDiPled Bill Bisek to Park and RecIeadon Committee <br /> <br />NEW MAYOR APPOINTED <br />The CitJ Council has .epddly aDpted tlleJ'Blltrtinn of <br />Mayor elect Sandee HeInemP To 81M the UJlCllse ofa <br />special eJectioD. ClOl1DCl1 appointed Tom WiIhadJer IS our <br />Mayor tIIrouah 1991. The Mayor's seat wD1 be up for <br />eJec:tIOI) at the next pneml e1ecdon. CounciJ lias CENTBllVILLB UONS CLUB <br />~,~.'~~~~~~_~ .===~.f_~~~.:~=wcimt citJ 'Jbe CenteniDe UOUSClub isseekiJll....-n.... The <br />-.... -""I'r" "c~"~ptcWlCJeshmitU8bteQ))llinnnltj_+lceto_-" <br />,l ..' . . . City of CentenriDe. Por IIlore blf011lt81iOD caD PreiJdm" <br />fl.=Q__ __m_m _ ~=__~~=__.~~=~-~~__-. .,_=~____~_---e~~e~4~16.=__ ___e ~~=.n____=.=,___e_ <br /> <br />I <br />Ii <br />~. . . . <br /> <br />~.----.~~-_.._~____"~.~~ _.___-e~'~==.~_--e-,----~~'e~~--_:=. <br /> <br />---, <br /> <br /> <br />(- <br />i <br /> <br />r <br />~ <br /> <br />o <br /> <br />ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COI61n-lHti <br />1be.CityCouncil is pleased to have '11leresa Brenner serve <br />IS the .., appointed Ec:ODcmdc Development Committee <br />member. Ms. Brenner has been veIJ instm..te..~1 <br />reprcliDgCeotemlle's Star City CenWcatIoD. IJer <br />· e' n COQ)mlt"'~1he<:nmlllll1lityi.s~, ,:'i(_e_ <br /> <br /> <br />, <br />, <br />;1 <br />M~ <br />I <br />i <br /> <br />~., <br /> <br />;'L <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />NOR.TH METRO RECREATION SlJMMEll <br />JOBS <br />North MetroR.ecreation is DDW'~I\I appliCatioN for <br />.u."11<< nmeadOD positioDs. People are ....IS <br />recreation superyisors in youth iDsttucticmaI sports <br />.. .~(l'-balI,~~;eg;>'-fIlCIpJay~I~~~ <br />prop.... Adults are also Deeded forteDDis anclgolf . <br />. iDsta1Jctor pOslticms, (staItiDa IS early IS May). CaD <br />780-1687 for details. <br /> <br />,- ~ =O~""I <br /> <br />APlUL OUT OF. SCHOOL YOUTH SPECIALS <br />CaD 780-7687 for details OD the SaiDtS North . <br />RoIJer~ Trip - Basler special. (OD 4-.4 or 4-17). <br /> <br /> <br />SPRING NORTH METRO RECREATION <br /> <br />ACI1VITIBS <br />North Metro RecreatiOD spring activities are advertised <br />through -no Observer", (school district DCWSIetter). and. <br />~~ schaol t1yerS. Youth and adult activities wiD be <br />adverIiscd in the ~ two ways. Adult teDDis'ancl golf <br />IessoDs will also be otrered. CaD 780-7687 ia April for <br />deIaUs. <br /> <br />.. I <br /> <br />. u ... -SUMMEllNOllTIlMBTllORECREATION______ <br />ACI1VITIBS <br />North Metro Recreation wiD otrer a wrIety of ........ <br />recreaIioa ac:IiYIties in the foJIowiDg areas: T -BaD.. Soccer, <br />PIa,&lOid1d Propuus. PRschool Propuus. GoIft..... <br />Temds tasons and more. These propams wiD be <br />advertisediD the May iBJe of The Observer 8Ildthraugh <br />flyers tbrou8h tile schools. CaD 180-7687 ia May for more <br />specific deIaDs. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />~-------~---'._--------......;.......----~--~---~----~---~---'---- <br />---I <br />