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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />DO I NEBD ABUILDING PERMIT? <br />A buil4fil\g orstruc:tllR may . be erected, ~ <br />CIIIarpd, altered, repaired, moved, ~ .JCIIlOWCI. <br />c:oavertcd or4enWi$he4 unless a buiIdin..... haS been . <br />obtaiDedftom.. BuildiaJ 1Dspecto1". UIIder.120 <br />square_. arc=afJo notrccpdrea "Mi... ~ ' For <br />.. iDf'omuidonc:aD PaulPaIzer. Public, Works <br />DirectorIlIuitdtDSl*tO' at 429-4150 or.29-3~2. <br />Fences do DOt require a building p:rmit.pleaSebe aware of <br />.8Il)' ~~~tll.ft'Mtf"4 by the p~ offences . <br />or 8Il)'otherobje$. .Jfthe cImiJIase easeanent requires , <br />.......ioJ\ 8Dy abstadei within the ~."m. be <br />reaaoved It.... property C)WIlCrs~" 'A1ldecks require <br />buiIdira. peuDiti to eJISIII'C accordaDce to State Building <br />Code.~,)rorcJipanc:e details at 429-3232. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />-- __u_~ <br /> <br />LBASHLAW <br />The CitybfCcnterville does have a leashi8w.City ball <br />receives _~ calls concemiDg pets numing loose. To <br />.llelpkeep_.~CHl~ CCHltrf)J.~~of~ <br />to your neighbors, please keep pets well atteacIod <br /> <br />GOlF ONICB <br />" . . <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br /> <br />Tbauk,.' . to all the individuals that helpedluake this.' ,3re1 <br />)'011, . 'time <br />8nnual Golf On k:e TOUJ'IUIment a suc:c:ess. A good . <br />was eqjoJedby aD. <br /> <br />OVBRNlGHI'PARKINGPOUCY <br />the City. ofCeoterville currently does not allow parking on <br />streetsbetwcca 3:00 am. and 1:00 am. daily. .During <br /> to <br />park off the street due to driveway cxmstructionor when <br />wet cxmditioDs pn:vent parking on the priYate property. <br />'Border to aid residents. the City Couttcilbas approved <br />an admhdstratlve procedure whereby residents am call city <br />haD and ammgea Short term parking permit during <br />cxmstructioD. ThCiDformatioa on the permit will be <br />traumitted to the PoJiceDepartment so that they wiD allow <br />. thetempoJary over aigbtparkirag. For moro ioformattcm . <br />On the procedure. ,..c:al1citYbaIl at 429-3232. <br /> <br /> <br />AMBSSAGB~OMCBNTENNIALFIRE <br />'DEPAllTMBNT: <br /> <br />FJltB FIGHTERS NBEDBDf " <br />'Bocome bwo1vcdill yQUr ~Ulityandhelpprpvide for <br />the safefJaIuI weUiue of your fiuniIy. ancl JIeipbots.Tbis <br />~.Fire District is ill need oftlre,fighteIs who <br />would be able to respcmd cIuring the daytime,hours. 'The <br />Fh'e DisIlic:t provides all the RIJ.1I!red~ pay '~~_ <br />U uC8JIiiiJpelj{on pt8IL- . <br />Ifyou-eapasoa UviDijathe CeQtenl'i.-iIrea with a <br />desire to become a fire lighter and are awilable during the <br />daJdme boars, ChiefBeQDett woUkIUko to hear &om yoU. <br />.....calIChlefBemlett for~.~ at <br />784-1472. <br /> <br />---- <br /> <br />M6N <br /> <br />SCHEDULBDClTYMEETlNGS: <br />CItY CouNaL-2NJ) AND 4n1 WEDNESDAY OF <br />EAQI~..7:OO PoM. <br />PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION-1ST <br />. TUBSDAY OF BACH MON'IH-7:00 P oM. <br />PAIUC AND RBCRBATlON.COMMI'ITBB-IST <br />WEDNSSDA Y OF BACH MON11I-6:30 P.M. <br />ECONOMIC DBVBLOPMENT COMMlTrBE-3~- <br />nJBSDAY OF BACH MON11I-7:OO PoM. <br /> <br />SPECIAL~GS <br />SpedalCity ~ ~.DotiQ:Sare posted on the <br />c:ommnai1J JmUcda board ill the city haII~"bu1e. Notices.' <br />are posted at least three clays ill adYanc:e of the meetiIlg. <br /> <br />CITY HALL HOURS: <br />Monday. Tuesday. ~ - 8:00 am. to 12:00 QOOD. <br />Wednesday - 8:00am. to 6:00 p.m. <br />Friday - Closed <br />Jfthe above times do not meet your schedule. please ~ <br />city.haD at 429-3232 to scheduJean after hours <br />appofntJneat. <br /> <br />CITY HALLWR.L BE CLOSIID: <br />May 29. 1995 ~ MeQIoriaI Day <br />July 4. 1995 -1~Day <br /> <br /> <br />o <br /> <br />,0 <br />