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<br />.' <br /> <br />\ <br /> <br /> <br />CITY <br />NEWSLEnER <br /> <br />Open House Schedul~d' Sunday, <br />April 25, 1993, t:O(>, to',5:00 p.m. <br /> <br />You've _nthe <br />new municipal <br />buBdlngfromthe <br />outside. Wecor- <br />dIaIJy Ihvlte you <br />to take a look at " <br />the lnsIdel Be- <br />alde8toUr1ngthe <br />CIty Hall facIII- <br />tie.. the City <br />Council cham- <br />bers. theAdrnln- <br />l8trat1Ye OffIcea' <br />..-nd the Water <br />'fr8almentroom. <br />- 'there will be <br />other actIvItIe. City Hall <br />. for the whole <br />family. Is the schedule of events: <br /> <br />1:00 p.m. <br />Ribbon CUttIng Ceremony <br />, . <br /> <br /> <br />mill <br /> <br />ContInual' <br />Centervllle H...., ExhIbit <br />Learn 'arid remlnl80e about Centervllle <br />with Historical CommIttee Chairperson. <br />Melvin Dupre. aitd Iong-tlme resident. <br />Audrey~rque <br />Refre8hrnent8 <br /> <br />Meet your elected officials: <br />Mayor Buckbee ' <br />CouncllmemberWllharber <br />CouncllmemberDarlo <br />CoundIrnemberBrenner <br />CouncllmemberHelmbrecht <br /> <br />An Invitation from The <br />Centennial Fire Department <br />The CentennIal fire Department wID be <br />holding an open houSeatthe new StatIon <br />3Iocatedat1880MalnStreetInCenterYllle <br />, on SUnday. AprD 26. 1993from 1:00 p.m. <br />until 6:00 p.m. The entire family Is invited <br />to attend. ActIvItIe8 wID Include: <br />. . <br />. Tommy the talking fire truck <br />. The 'FIre Safe House' <br />. VIew our fire prevention YIdeos <br />. See fire extinguisher dernonsttatlona <br />, . Tourthenewfacllltlea <br />. A helicopter visit frorp life Unk - 1:30 <br />p.m. (Condition. permitting) <br />. Checkoutthe newpumper/tankertrudc8 <br />: . Register for door prizes <br />. Doyouneedasmokedet8ctor?Wecan <br />help. ' <br />. See Smokey the Bear <br />. An antique fire truck on d1fplay <br />. Refreshments and baIIoon8l : <br /> <br />STOP DROP & ROLLI ~ - '~, <br />STAY LOWANDGOI ~ <br /> <br />Centerville applies for "Star Citv" status ' <br />The Centervllle Coinmlttee~1d nity teamwork and the help ;la state- Benefits for th~. community. <br />Ita first meeting . 1'h8 current .ponsored program. The program works . CitIzens decide what they want to eo- <br />committee me udechalrpenJon with smaller communltle8ln building and compllsh In CenterYllle . <br />W enee maintaining an economic development . Increases Centervllle's recognlt1on and <br />DIxon.' r. Paul program., Through planning and turning vlalbUlty . ' . . <br />, Montaln. N , , Stutz. plans Into action.' the community can . 1ncr88888 community pride <br />Ivan PrUitt, . There are achieve its desired future. , , <br />8tIII four, Why should Centervllle b.:1pI retain and Increase the cfty tax <br />/c.,,) What Is r C , ' become a Star City? . Helps retain and create jobs <br />, 'Being ,a Star CIty means the community There'''' many benetlta In becoming a . The community Is better preptIred to <br />has the power to make things happen. A Stat'CIty. Here.. a few: ' respondtoeconomlcopportunltlea <br />-clt(,becOmea a St8r CIty through commu- ' <br />, ContInued page 2 <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />j <br />