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<br />PIle four <br /> <br />_leUer? If 10, ,ltlll and 'OIl wriUea ""tin to the <br />Centenill. cu, Ball. ftuk '01. <br /> <br />10 PAIIIIa IIIUOD - Cu., ordiUlce cloes lOt allow parking 01 <br />II' Cit, .treet beheel the hOUl. of 3:00 a.l. lid 1:00 a.l. <br /> <br />KOSI POPULO IISI.., GOIS!IOI - <br />&at is th *4.00 nu.p 01 .., _. hill? The Cit, <br />recei Yel III' re.ident COlcerl1 each ,ear refal'dilg the <br />cleanil', lailten8DCe and inltallatiol of ditches, 818les, <br />drallage easeults, ponds and cuberts. <br /> <br />lith the rapid growth beil' experielced b, Center,ille, it <br />becue apparent, that il the lear future the Cit, lill be <br />be,innin, to clell and lIiltain the lell, installed draina,e <br />ft's. The Cit, CoucU also realized that the drainage frol <br />the lei de,eloplent areas liS putting a strain on pre- <br />existil' drailage II'S. <br /> <br />CITY RiLl. RLIPIIOII IISIIDJIG IOOIS - 8:00 a.l. to 12:00 Doon, <br />Molda, throu" ThUlada,. PlIole laber - 429-3232. Locatiol <br />- 1694 Sorel Street. If JOU require assistance or an <br />appolataeJt for tiMs other than the aboYe, please. contact <br />Cit, Ball lid It lOuld be happ, to lake alternative <br />arrangelents for JOU. <br /> <br />CITY RAtI. lILt II CLOSID - Septeaber 1, 1992 il obserYBIce of <br />Labor Ba,. <br /> <br />The Cit, of Celter,ille obserYed that laD' neighboring <br />citieslere establishil' stOll seier draina,e funds throu,h <br />direct charges to the residents. Thus, CentelYille <br />in,estigated this option and choose to adopt it. The <br />char,es il other cities appear to be higher thll <br />Centel'Yille, 10letheleu the Cit, CoucU chose to keep the <br />Center,ille fee at a linilDl. <br /> <br />nmtlD IIII!IICIS - Ci t, CoucH - Second lid JOUlth ledleada, <br />of each .Ith, 1:00 p.l. <br />-Plmil, lid will CoIIiuiol - Secold fuesda,.of each <br />IOnth, 7:00 p.l. <br />-Park lid lecreatiol Calsittee - first ledDeada, of each <br />IOlth, 6:30 p.l. <br />-Centerdlle IcolOllic DeveloPltnt fast Jorce - Third fuesda, <br />of each IOIth, 7:00 p.l. <br /> <br />The resideltiaI fee will be $8.00 per rear. 'rOl nOl on, <br />resideltial lith luicipal BeIer lill see a $2.00 StOll <br />later Dralla,e charge per unit 01 the quarterl, billings. <br />Residential lithout lunicipal seier lill he billed the total <br />$8.00 annuall,. <br /> <br />1992 CITY OOUICILIIIIIIm - <br />1Ia,0r - Job Buckbee III - 426-6530 <br />Coucil laber - Bob Bargatahler - 429-9788 <br />CoucH I8lber - Carol PeltOI - 426-8123 <br />CoucH "'r - fOl IUharher - 429-2140 <br />Councill8lber - f. Duia - 429-8134 <br /> <br />COllercial/industrial buildin,s lill pa, a $24.00 BlDual <br />char,e. <br /> <br />This lailtelance fund is il its lafanc" thus lot ever, <br />concern can be illediatelr addreued. BOleYer, the Cit, <br />lill do it's best to prioritize projects and address <br />drainage areas il all areas. <br /> <br />CIft IIIIRIIl: <br />Cit, Ball - <br />Cit1 Hall 'AI - <br />Police Departaelt - <br />eHr,eaC1 - 911 <br />10'1 nerlncJ - 184-2501 <br /> <br />*Do rol ~." ur ,...'101' of CUr 1111, CUr Coucl1 01' CUr <br />Staff that JOlIlOald lite to be addreued iJ the lilt Cit, <br />