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<br />pale three <br /> <br />Belson, eollission Chairperson that consultant services <br />would cost $25,000 to $30,000. <br /> <br />CI!IZII or till AlARD - Do JOU know 80180ne who has ude an <br />exceptional contribution to the Cit, of Center,ille? The <br />person could be currentlJ active or could have IIde his/her <br />contributions in the past. See the applications for <br />nOlinatiol il this lellletter. All applications lust be <br />received bJ CitJ Ball no later than October 1, 1992. <br /> <br />It appears that neither Lino Lates or Center,ille are <br />wiols to upend this dollar lIOunt unless there appears to <br />be ,larin, issues for consolidation. Although, still in the <br />redew process, it appears that to date the CoIIission has <br />found none. Due to the finding thus far, the Coaission is <br />reluctant to recoll8nd the expenditure unless there is <br />o,erwhellinl public support to do so. <br /> <br />It is ilportant that JOU do lot liaS the deadline. Send in <br />Jour nOlination now. <br /> <br />The CoIIission voted unanilOusl, propose to hold a public <br />hearin, on August 20, 1992 to hear public opinion on this <br />issue. <br /> <br />_lOSS PIIMI OJ !II 110 AlIID - Do 101 DO, a business person <br />who has IIde aD meptional contribution to the CitJ of <br />Celter,ille? fbe person could be clrrentlJ active or could <br />have IIde his/her contributions in the past. See the <br />applications for nOlination in this nellletter. All <br />applications lUSt be received b, Cit, Ball no later than <br />October 1, 1992. <br /> <br />In order to help assist the COllissioD iD preparation for <br />the public hear in" pleass fill out the questiolDaire in <br />this n8l81etter and return it to Cit, Ball. <br /> <br />It i8 ilportant that '01 do not lias the deadline. Send iD <br />JOur nOlination now. <br /> <br />This is an ilportant issue, do not let it slip anJ without <br />ba,in, voiced Jour opinion on tbe subJect. <br /> <br />COBOl GIOODS - The CitJ of LiDo Lakes cancelled the CoIIon <br />Grounds leetin.s for police and public IOrks in Jul,. The <br />lIetings have not Jet been rescheduled. <br /> <br />!BAIl 100 - Dad JOU to ltar, Jane Lang, lalter leUlann and <br />Lorraine leuana for donatil, their ti. to IOrk on special <br />Cit, lIilin, proJects. You are appreciated. <br /> <br />cmmlW ImDIC DIIIUIPDI! fAst JOICI- The CitJ of <br />Center,ille is seeting a respoDsible perSOD to serve as a <br />Illber of Center,Ule's leonOlie DevelopJ8nt rask lorce. <br />This position is ,olunteer. If ,OU are interested in the <br />econOlic planning and de,elopJent of Center,ille, sublit a <br />letter of interest to Cit, Ball. <br /> <br />m IISIDII!S - C. and J. Lien, C. Ulshafer, G. rernholz, It. <br />Harza, B. and J. letchel, G. lilson, J. and I. furner, r. and S. <br />Gardner, J. Anderson, B. Landeen, J. Bolida" f. and R. Lee, I. <br />and B. lelson, r. and I. Baugen, I. and C. David, It lo,u, J. <br />and A. Decker, D. lieck, D. and D. Pracht, I. Bow, r. and P. <br />Bansen, J. and B. Stewart, It. and J. Lovick, R. aDd I. rrwot, <br />J. and V. ApplelaD, T. and Y. Olson, D. Saxton. <br />IILCOItIrO !HI CIff Of cmmrW!!!! <br /> <br />CllfllfIW tIOIS CLDR - fbe Center,ille LioDs Club is seetin, <br />new lelbers. fbe Liols Club proYidea inaluable services to <br />the Cit, of Center,ille. ror inforaation about the Club or <br />lelbership to the Club please call Da,e Lutz at 429-8243. <br /> <br />SUPPOJ! IODI LOCAL BDSIIISSIS!!!! - leeping lour tax dollars in <br />the Cit, ,ill beDefit the tax base. Centerville currentlJ <br />has 25 buainesses within the CitJ lilits. Call Cit, Ball if <br />JOU .ould lite additional inforaation on an, of these <br />businesses. <br />