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<br />page five <br /> <br />page six <br /> <br />Residents are responsible to clean out in front of their <br />mail boxes to enable delivery by the Post Office. <br /> <br />Buildin, Per.its - Permits are required for decks, garages, <br />storage shed lover 120 sq. ft.), additions and interior <br />remodeling or finishing. Permits are available at City <br />Hall. The violation for not obtaining a permit prior <br />to construction is a double permit fee, per 1985 <br />Minnesota State Building Code. If you have any direct <br />questions for the Building Inspector call 636-5555. <br />Q~r~1itB - Permits are also required for plumbing, <br />heating, and air conditioning additions or alterations. <br />[QU8jL.~ere - All buildings are required to display <br />huilding numbers at least 4 inches in height, in <br />contraflting ~olor to the base, and 50 placed to be <br />ea~ily fleen from the street. One of the purposes of <br />the ordinance is to facilitate quick arrival of <br />emergency vehicles to you and your neighbors. <br />OOJll - Dog licenses are required by Ordinance '24.* The <br />cost of the license is $10.00 and is in effect for <br />the life of the dog. <br />- If you have lore than two dogs over six months old, <br />you are required to obtain a kennel license. <br />-City Ordinance requires that all dogs be restrained by <br />the owner at all times. <br />-Please be conscientious of your responsibilities as a <br />pet owner. <br /> <br />Please help keep the fire hydrants free of snow. <br /> <br />KEGA STORK - Thank you to all of the persons who were patient <br />with regard to snow plowing during the Halloween Mega Storm. <br /> <br />One of the major slow downs during the plowing efforts were <br />cars in the street. There were two concerns. The first <br />being the cars that were parked overnight on the streets. <br />The second concern was when the snow plow would go through <br />making one pass, many homeowners would rush to put their car <br />in the street so that they could clear their own driveway. <br />This further obstructed the snowplows, disabling them from <br />better clearing the street and impeded passage by anyone <br />through the first pass. Please let the plow do it's job <br />before utilizing the street. <br /> <br />ORDIIAICI RlSTRICTIOIS - <br />LandscaDing on new lots - Within one year of issuance of the <br />Occupancy Permit, the lot shall be landscaped in such a <br />manner which prevents erosion due to wind or water. <br />~ - It is unlawful for any person under the age of 18 <br />to be on any public street, avenue or alley, or present <br />in any park or other public place in the City of <br />Centerville between the hours of 9:30 p.m. and 5:00 <br />a.m., unless accompanied by his or her parent. <br />guardian, or other person having legal custody. <br />~- No permit is required to put a fence within a <br />Residential District, however, the fence must be within <br />the property boundaries (not within the street right- <br />of-way/boulevardl. No fence, wall or hedge along the <br />sides or front edge of any front yard shall be more <br />than four feet in height. <br /> <br />CQBS011DATI0B - The Minnesota Municipal Board has chosen melbers <br />frit the Consolidation COllDli ttee. The Centerville <br />representatives will be: Theresa Brenner, Sanna Buckbee, <br />H~rit~ Ha~erm~n, San~ra Heineman and Steve Marcello. <br />Alternates: Carol Zoff Pelton and Steve Scribner. <br /> <br />the C;'ns~ltdati0n C0mmission will first meet on January 16, <br />1~~1 l'opks schednled for discussion will be: <br />lntrrdqfti"n 0f members; <br />pnrp.!'e 'In!1 object i vea of Consolidat.ion Couission; <br />general discussion of the scope of the COllmission; <br />