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<br />, <br /> <br />; <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />CITY or CIRTIRiILLI <br />NINSLITTIR '90-1 APRIL 1990 <br /> <br />CITY HALL orrICI HOORS - 8:00 a.l. to 12:00 DOOD, Kondar through <br />Thursday. Phone nUlber - 429-3232. Location - 1694 Sorel Street. <br /> <br />**************************************************************** <br />CITY BALL BOORS ARI LIKITID TO TRY TO SAil TAl DOLLARS. KARY Of <br />YOU BAY rIND IT DIffICOLT TO NORI AROORD OOR BOORS, TBAT IS MBY <br />WI TRY TO NORI AROORD YOORS. PLIASI BAli NOTI Of TBI fOLLONING <br />OPTIONS THAT CITY STA" O"IRS TO BITTIR SIRYI YOO: . <br />-An answering lachine is on during off hours. Please leave <br />a lessage so that we can return your call. We do our <br />best to do so by the next working day. <br />-Tbere is a blue drop bOI outside the front door at City <br />Ball. Tbis is for your convenience in dropping off <br />paYlents, inforlation, perlits, etc. (Please do not <br />use the lailbol for a drop box.) Thank you. <br />-Often tiles there is sOleone in the office after 12:00 <br />noon. We are bappy to assist all valk ins when we are <br />here. Onfortunately the hours after 12:00 noon are <br />unpredictable. If you call in the lorning we can let <br />you know bow late we viII be in the office that day for <br />walk in assistance. <br />-If you are unable to cOle into the office due to tbe hours <br />tbat you vork, you lay choose to take out perlits and <br />obtain inforlation tbrough the lail. <br />-If the assistance you need requires a personal visit to our <br />office and you are unable to cOle in during the day, <br />you lay call to lake arrangelents to leet vith a staff <br />lelber prior to a regularly scheduled City leeting. <br />THANI YOU <br />**************************************************************** <br /> <br />TII BIITINGS ARK SCHIDULKD TO KilT AT 7:00 P.I. AT THI <br />CIHTKRYILLI CITY HALL, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. <br /> <br />SPICIAL II~TIRG POSTIRGS - Special City Council leetings are <br />posted on the cOllunity bulletin board in front of City Ball. <br />Notices are posted at least three days in advance of the leeting <br />date. <br /> <br />CABLI T.Y. - The regularly scheduled City Council leetings are <br />aired live on Cable Channel 16. Please also watch Channel 16 for <br />scheduled leeting dates, inforlational tapes. and other <br />inforlation regarding Centerville. <br /> <br />1990 CITY COUICIL KIIBERS - <br />Kayor - George Baberlan - 426-5937 <br />Council lelber - Walter Neulann - 429-0001 <br />Council lelber - Bob Burgstahler - 429-9188 <br />Council letber - Carol Pelton - 426-8123 <br />Council telber - Jerry Peterson - 429- 0821 <br /> <br />BUNICIPAL 'ACILITIIS - The City Council is actively investigating <br />the options to build a new fire station with the possibility of <br />lilited City Hall office space. The Centennial Fire District <br />Joint Powers Agreelent requires that each City have a fire <br />station that will teet fire standard specifications. To say that <br />Centerville's fire station does not leet these standards is <br />80lewhat of an understatelent. <br /> <br />RIM DlilLOPllRTS - You shod1d be seeing laoy new friends and <br />neighbors in the Centerville Heigbts. L'Allier Estates II. and <br />Hardwood Pond Estates II DeveloPlents. <br /> <br />CITY BALL WILL BI CLOSID - Hay 28, 1990 in observance of <br />Helorial Day and July 4, 1990 in observance of Independence Day. <br /> <br />BARDWOOD POND ISTATIS II - On February 28, 1990 the City Council <br />approved the final plat of the Hardwood Pond Estates II <br />develop_ent. This develop.ent is located north of Hardwood <br />Estates I, east of Sbad Avenue and west of Royal Meadows. It is <br />platted for 15 lots. Two building perlits have been issued thus <br />far for the developBent. <br /> <br />SCHIDULED MEITIRGS <br />-City Council - Second and Fourth Wednesday of each lonth. <br />-Planning and Zoning Cotlission - First Tuesday of each looth. <br />-Park and Recreation COI.ittee - Second Tuesday of each lonth. <br />-Kconolic Developlent Task Force - Third Tuesday of each Bonth. <br /> <br />CERTIRBILL - On Barch 14, 1990 the City Council approved the <br />prelilinary plat of the Ceoterhill developlent. This <br />developlent is located north of Hardwood Pond Rstates II aod <br />