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Office ExpIenses <br /> * Office expenses are budgeted $14,400 higher than the 2018 level, <br /> * The building maintenance line-item was increased by $10,,000. With the building and <br /> property ageing, more costly maintenance issues may arise. Building maintenance <br /> includes the furnace/AC maintenance contract, lawn care, snow removal, carpet and <br /> window cleaning„ fire inspection, and landscaping and building mechanical services, <br /> * The building utilities line item was increased by $5,000. Actual costs for 2017 were <br /> higher than anticipated, so the line item has been increased to insure adequate <br /> funding for paying bills. Building utilities include sewer, water, gas, and electric. <br /> * Insurance includes all property, liability, crime, volunteer, vehicle, and monument <br /> sign coverage. <br /> Office supply line item includes all office supplies, and maintenance contracts on <br /> printers and copiers, <br /> The Telephone/i nternet/Web Hosting line-item remains the same as the 2018 <br /> budget. This line-itern was increased in 2'018 to cover data transport for City video <br /> and data. NMTV continues to pay a fee to house video-on-demand content on a <br /> remote server. This allows for unlimited simultaneous viewing, without a reduction in <br /> speed. The line-item also covers the wireless live transmission of sporting events <br /> and other field productions. The website maintenance contract:, web hosting, <br /> telephone costs, and the annual phone software upgrade are also included. <br /> Postage, covers the cost of mailing dubs and equipment for contract maintenance, <br /> and other postage for the I'MT <br /> Property tax is for the recycling assessment. <br /> Building cleaning, trash, recycling, and hazardous material disposal/recycling. <br /> Canital Expenditures <br /> The 2019 capital budget is set at $450,615, Over half of this arnount is dedicated to <br /> the HID bond payment of$230,475. Capital items for 2019 include Makito X <br /> transport systems for two Cities, Tightrope streaming servers and related equipment <br /> for six Cities, replacement of Studio A's wireless microphone system (the <br /> government has reallocated the frequencies NMTV currently uses so new mics are <br /> required), two new tripod systems for the production truck (only three new systems <br /> were purchased during the upgrade, to save rnoney, and the two old systems no <br /> longer function well)field cameras, and the annual m,aintenance/sLipporUinsurance <br /> contracts for City and NV Tightrope, Ross, Haivision and Carousel equipment, <br /> The 2019 capital equipment budget is set at $187,640, <br /> * Office equipment includes routine computer and software upgrades, and software <br /> I ice n ses for office and editing cc m p ute rs <br /> * Parking lot repairs and re-striping. <br /> SumMg!ry <br /> Operating expenses, have been budgeted at $13,525 more than in 2018. There were <br /> reductions in the anticipated administrative expenses, but increase in building and <br /> personnel costs. <br /> 34 <br />