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* Capital costs are $41,468 higher than last year. The majority of the capital budget is <br /> for the bond payment, streaming servers and Makito X transport equipment for <br /> Cities, and maintenance and Support contracts for equipment, Other expenditures <br /> include a wireless mic system for Studio A, two tripod systems for the truck, and <br /> some fieldequipment. The Office Computer and software fine-itern remains at <br /> $28,000, Money was included for parking lot repairs and re-striping. The bond <br /> payment is set at $230,475, <br /> * Franchise fees back to Cities are budgeted at$400,000. This is the same as last <br /> year. <br /> * The overall 2019 budget is $54,993 higher than the 2018 budget. The increase is <br /> primarily in capital expenditures, This is a 3.23%, increase. <br /> 35 <br />