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City of Centerville <br /> Consultant Services Agreement <br /> This is an agreement entered into the day of by and <br /> between the City of Centerville, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the city, and Tokle <br /> Inspections Inc., a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the state of <br /> Minnesota,hereinafter referred to as the Consultant. <br /> Witnesseth: <br /> Whereas, the city desires to hire the Consultant to render certain technical and <br /> professional assistance in connection with such undertakings of the City in regard to City <br /> electrical construction within the corporate limits; said services are: <br /> 1. Electrical inspection services based on Minnesota State Building Code. <br /> Now therefore, the parties hereto do mutually agree as follows: <br /> 1. Scope of service. The Consultant shall perform all the necessary professional <br /> services provided under this agreement as follows: <br /> A. Provide all required on site inspection services in relation to each permit. <br /> B. Retain all pertinent records and copies of permits and correspondence <br /> Related to each permit and make them available to the City upon request. <br /> 2. Term. The inspection agreement shall be effective upon the approval date of the <br /> City Council and continue until terminated by either party upon a 45-day written <br /> notice thereof, whichever is less. <br /> 3. Compensation. The fees for the Consultant services shall be based on Seventy five <br /> percent (80%) of the permit fees as shown in Exhibit A (attached) within 30 days <br /> following receipt of a monthly invoice. <br /> 4. Insurance. The consultant shall secure and maintain the following minimum <br /> insurance. <br /> 5. Worker's compensation insurance as required by Minnesota law. <br /> 6. Electrical inspector's errors and omissions and general liability insurance policies <br /> with limits of$1,000,000 each negligent act, error or omission and $2,000,000 <br /> aggregate <br /> 19 <br />