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presentation of the options to them as well. From there, we will look to choose one <br /> developer to work with on the project and begin negotiations on a purchase agreement. <br /> The site is zoned and guided in the comprehensive plan for Mixed Use. Presently, none <br /> of the projects include retail, but all include medium to high density residential <br /> development which could bring anywhere from 20 to 50 units to the property. Part of the <br /> goal of the Mixed Use district is to provide high density housing in and around the <br /> downtown, to promote it as a retail destination. We are hopeful that a successful project <br /> on this block will lead to further investment in the downtown and be a catalyst for a <br /> revitalization of the area. <br /> 1737 Main Street <br /> The contractor has submitted the necessary insurance and other information. A deadline <br /> for the demolition of the home and garage is set for December 15'. <br /> Commerce Drive Property <br /> There has been no recent contact from the interested business for this site. We believe <br /> they may be making an offer on a very similar, but less expensive site in South St. Paul. <br /> CODE ENFORCEMENT—RESIDENTIAL <br /> General <br /> Code enforcement letters have been sent, recently, on the following topics: <br /> • Driveway materials <br /> An appeal of the Potentially Dangerous designation placed on a cat, by our police <br /> department, after the cat bit two individuals during an incident was heard. We have <br /> upheld the designation, but suggested some leniency on the conditions associated with <br /> managing such an animal. <br /> CODE ENFORCEMENT—COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL <br /> Alex's Lawn and Turf, LLC —Conditional Use Permit <br /> As you're aware, legal representation from Alex's Lawn and Turf sent the city a letter <br /> regarding the approval of their Conditional Use Permit application. At the last City <br /> Council meeting, staff was directed to obtain some clarifications on what the current CUP <br /> now looks like and what practical implications come from that. We have since made <br /> contact with Alex's representation and have arranged a meeting for next week. The <br /> meeting will seek to clarify the current interpretation of the CUP and work towards long <br /> term compliance. The tenor of our contact with their representation was positive and are <br /> hopeful that good faith negotiations can continue. <br /> CenterMart art 'oinditmonal IJse P rinit <br /> ty tal'I'met wkti CenterMart ownerst apu to (Ikcu;u s comp:uHu nce ksuue an(] pool< at <br /> 66 <br />