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<br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />U SE OF FORCE <br /> <br />Officer Jon Krueger <br />Officer Jason Corlew <br /> <br />During the year of 2005 we continued to provide the best Use of Force training we <br />could to our officers. Our officers completed five different shoot traiDiDg sessions. <br />All of the shoots ,tteoded wae very eclucatioual aDd received positive fcecIbeck Dom <br />attendees. We continued to train in our local elementary schools with Response to <br />Active Shooters 1r&ini1lg Officers also received an eight hour training that included <br />bandcuffing. impact weapons, chemical irritants, weapons retention, edged weapon <br />defense, baDd to hand combBt aDd take doWDS. <br /> <br />Officers received two hours of Tasert) n:&esher traini.._ Tasers were implemented <br />in 2004 as 8DOtbcr tool to combat uncoopcntive subjects. During the year 2005, <br />officers from our department used their Tasers in fifteen incidads involving use of <br />force situatioDs. Of these fifteen cases, the Tased was actuaUy deployed in three <br />cases and merely pointed at the subject in the other twelve cases. The Taserf) bas <br />been a very useful tool &ad bas helped officers apprehend tlnat....~og subjects <br />without ~ng substaDtial harm to the subject or the officer. <br /> <br />The following Use of Force. aDd Firearms traininp were attended by officers during <br />2005: <br /> <br />March 2005 <br />Gamma Shoot conducted at the Anoka City indoor range. <br /> <br />Gamma is an interactive training where scenarios are projected onto Q <br />JKlPf1f' screen. The officer ImISt interact with the sCDlllrio, making life <br />tmd death decisions whether to shoot or not shoot. The officer's <br />actions influence the sce1lllrio's ending. <br /> <br />May - October 2005 <br /> <br />DepIrIment "Dynamic Movement" shoot at the Anob County outdoor <br /> <br />nmge. <br /> <br />This training was conducted individually with each ojJlcer by 0U1' <br />depw'l1nent'S jireQl'1flS i1lStrllCtors Oft open range dates. It provided <br />traim"" for firimT fro", different rJOSitions while 1IJOlIImt tmd included <br />