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January 22, 2020 <br />Centerville City Council <br />Page 6 of 6 <br />Atlas Villas Memory Care - Interim Use Permit & Site Plan Approval <br />b. The plans show a proposed 20-foot wide drainage and utility easement along the <br />north line of the property. This is acceptable to the city. Additionally, 5-foot wide <br />easements along the west and east edges of the property should be recorded. The <br />applicant shall create necessary easement documents and pay for costs <br />associated with recording. <br />c. An easement covering the entirety of the stormwater infiltration basin shall be <br />recorded. While the property owner will be responsible for this private stormwater <br />BMP, as an MS4 City, we would be required to maintain this facility, should the <br />property owner fail to do so. The applicant shall create necessary easement <br />documents and pay for costs associated with recording. <br />d. Water services (fire and domestic) shall have adequate cover through the <br />stormwater treatment area and under the retaining wall. <br />e. The sanitary sewer connection to the manhole, must be completed with a water- <br />tight gasketed fitting, such as a Kor-n-seal. <br />f. The outlet from the Rain Garden Turret should be piped. Rip rap outlets are <br />discouraged. <br />g. The Outlet Control Structure must be wholly contained within private property (in <br />city drainage and utility easement), since the city does not control the county right- <br />of-way. <br />h. The full sized set of plans did not print at a proper scale. Please review this issue. <br />i. A 6" water main stub exists near the center of the property, along the county <br />road. The water main connection should be to this stub. Most buildings in our city <br />have only one water service line enter the building. Then, the fire suppression <br />system splits off prior to the meter. <br />j. A tap in the sewer exists 10 feet west of the manhole where you are showing <br />connection to the sewer. Utilizing this tap is preferable to entry into the MH. The <br />tap may need to be enlarged to accommodate your 6" service and a saddle <br />which prevents service intrusion will be required. <br />k. The fire inspector will classify the building as such: Supervised living facility Class B-2, <br />7-16 residents all of whom may not be capable of self-preservation. IBC Class R-4. <br />I. Fire department access roads shall extend to within 150 feet of any portion of the <br />building. Actual is 170 feet but an increase is allowed due to building being <br />sprinklered. <br />m. Fire Hydrant within 400 feet of farthest point of building (sprinklered). <br />n. Ironwood (Ostrava Virginiana) grows to 40 feet high and 25 feet wide. Review the <br />placement of these trees in the driveway area to ensure they do not block the view <br />of people leaving or restrict vehicle height entering the lot (e.g. a fire engine). <br />„Ig wffl"l it rnlrr�Wi; <br />